Taking Sides: Clashing views on Psychological Issues/ Gantt Read Issue 3.1 from the Textbook: “Are violent Video Games Harmful to Children and Adolescents?” YES: Steven Gruel from: “Brief of Amicus Cu

Taking Sides: Clashing views on Psychological Issues/ Gantt

Read Issue 3.1 from the Textbook: “Are violent Video Games Harmful to Children and Adolescents?”

YES: Steven Gruel from: “Brief of Amicus Curiae in Case of Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association.” U.S. Supreme Court (2010)

NO: Patricia Millet from: “Brief of Amicus Curiae in Case of Brown v. Entertainment Merchants Association.” U.S. Supreme Court (2010)

Discussion Questions

1. Using information from both articles, discuss the evidence in support of the idea that violent video games harm children or cause them to be violent. How does Millett respond?

2. Many people have strong opinions about violent video games, but very few know much about the research. Ask some people you know what they think about violent games and then ask them to tell you what they know about the research and tell them what you learned from reading the articles. Write a brief analysis of your findings.

3. Is it possible that violent video games could be good for people? Explain.

IMPORTANT: Remember to closely follow the guidelines for written assignments in this course that are detailed in the Syllabus, which include (a) limit the length of the post (250 words including references – please write the actual number of words at the end of your post), (b) check to make plagiarism free, (c) APA style of citation and referencing, and (d) use of complete sentences and capitalization (this is not a text message board).