Create a 8 pages page paper that discusses ways for choc deluxe ltd to get rid of the present difficulties.

Create a 8 pages page paper that discusses ways for choc deluxe ltd to get rid of the present difficulties. The researcher states that in this era of global competition, all the multinational companies experience huge competition in the global framework. Such competition further intensifies due to the market expansion and increasing demand in the emerging markets of developing countries. Therefore, all the companies involved into business are required to maintain the quality standards of their products and services so that they can retain their competitive position in the concerned market segment and confirm the provision for future growth. Choc Deluxe Ltd. is a fictitious small-scale chocolate producing company that especially concentrates on premium segment. This global industry player has been able to establish its business within a short span of time and it is expected that the company will show a growth rate of 30% within the next five years period of time. Such growth has been forecasted by experiencing a huge demand for the products, particularly from the emerging economies. Therefore, it is implied that the company is required to expand its production capacity in order to address such increasing demand in upcoming days. However, while planning for production expansion, management of Choc Deluxe Ltd. identified that they do not have required level of supply of Criollo cocoa beans, which is the key ingredient for the company’s products. As the Christmas was approaching, the company has already committed to supplying bulk of their products and services in various departmental stores and other retailers.