Part 1. The need for change must be differentiated from the ability to change for it to be successful. Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Discuss the requisite skills a person needs

Part 1.

The need for change must be differentiated from the ability to change for it to be successful.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 

  • Discuss the requisite skills a person needs to lead change for a chosen organization.
  • How can the organization’s structure accommodate change?

Part 2.

Respond to the following discussion post in a minimum of 100 words:

Change is a vital factor in the success of any individual, institution, organization or business. It may be difficult to bring about change in a business where employees, upper management, board members and customers must be taken into consideration in implementing changes. Those leading through times of change must develop skills to successfully oversee that change.

To successfully lead an organization through a process of change, a leader must be able to keep in mind the goal and mission of the changes. Seeing the big picture, he must be able to set goals and deadlines to accomplish the vision for change. A good leader must develop the ability to see how the small pieces work together to fulfill the larger purposes and inspire employees to join in the effort.

The organizational structure of a company forms the base on the basis of which the policies of the company are formulated. The structure of an organization or the company plays an important role in influencing and maintaining the competitiveness of the organization. – Mike A

Part 3.

Reply to the following classmate in a minimum of words:

“According to the McBer Competency Model for the “Top Notch Change Manager”, it identifies a combination of competencies such as interpersonal, diagnostic, initiation, and organizational skills. A similar model was also developed by David Buchanan and David Boddy which details 15 competencies in 5 areas: goals, roles, communication, negotiation, and managing up. Both models claim to be comprehensive, however it is recommended that organizations need to customize the model to what is relevant and needed by the organization. (Palmer, Dunford, & Buchanan, 2017)

When our company went through a reorganization, I was part of the senior leadership that had to execute the change. Based on my experience, having effective communication is crucial to change management. This means having the ability to: clearly communicate the mission, vision & objectives of the plan, motivate and solicit/listen to feedback from employees, mitigate roadblocks or resistance. Without effective communication, the trust from the employees will be impacted. Initially we experience resistance from some employees who did not clearly understand why the change was needed.  To help alleviate such, we conducted employee forums such company wide open dialogues, department meeting, round table meetings, and focus group meetings. This gave the employees the opportunity to voice their concern and learn more about the change. Another skill is being politically savvy. In most organizations there are politics and hidden agendas involved. Being aware of such and having the ability to influence others can help overcome the resistance to change.

·        How can the organization’s structure accommodate change?

An organization can adapt to the change by having clear mission (what the organization is and does), vision (description of future scenario), and goal (identifying desired results). Creating a change management framework consisting of goals, structures (i.e. clearly defined initiatives, roles and responsibilities), involvement (i.e. high level engaging and collaborating, communication and involvement at all stages, giving frontline ownership to help drive change), and leadership (i.e. visible involvement and personal commitment from Chief Executive, Leaders reflect the mindset and become a role model for the desired changes). (Palmer, Dunford, & Buchanan, 2017)

In my week 1 post, I mentioned that “effective communication and involving members of our staff as a resource to help champion the process”.  This is vital component for any organization to adapt to the changes. Getting the employee “buy-in” is a huge step that needs to be achieved in order successfully change the culture and behavior of the organization. Once this occurs, the rest should fall into place.” Agnes P.


Palmer, I., Dunford, R., & Buchanan, D. (2017). Managing organizational change: A multiple perspectives approach (3rd ed.). McGraw-Hill Higher Education.