I need help creating a thesis and an outline on The Sub-Cultures of the Star Trek Fans. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required.

I need help creating a thesis and an outline on The Sub-Cultures of the Star Trek Fans. Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is required. The studies have equally examined the methods in which fans interact with the text. In anthropological studies, comparisons have been made between Star Trek fan body and religious Movements (Jindra, 1994). On another account, cultural studies have made comparisons of fan organizations and cults (Hills, 200). This article seeks to examine and give a comprehensive report on the ordinary Star Trek fans.

The original Star Trek was the creation of Gene Roddenberry (1921-1991), a United States Television producer and author. His idea was to develop a Television series involving the futuristic prospects of science fiction with the stage show and enthusiasm of TV westerns his original heading for the television series was the Wagon Train to the Stars. Star Trek was initially aired on American Television in 1966 and continued for three series. Each chapter was in itself an adventure, but then they were all connected together by the premise of a huge spacecraft that was crewed by a various range of individuals, traveling around the galaxy on a mission that took five years to explore different life and new evolutions, to confidently visit a place where no human being has gone in the past. Even though, not expressly successful it attracted a devoted fan-base that was partially made up of male fans that were interested in the scientific and exceptional effects essentials of the show. On the other hand, the show also enticed many female fans.

Over the past three decades, Star Trek has been using the term mega-text. Star Treks mega-text involves much more than the innumerable studio-based television series and films. it also consists of novels, Internet chat groups, treaties, and fanzines among others. That Star Treks idea of space examination is a lightly hidden metaphor for imperialism has extensively undergone analysis (Bernardi, 1998). Exploration, occupation, and incorporation are not far from the surface of the Star Trek New Generation text. Less ostensible, nonetheless, are features of the series that challenge the hegemonic understanding of this story and which current a post-colonial appraisal.