Need an research paper on behavioral theory or cognitive behavioral theory. Needs to be 8 pages. Please no plagiarism.

Need an research paper on behavioral theory or cognitive behavioral theory. Needs to be 8 pages. Please no plagiarism. From my experience as a trainee, the client is expected to accept the reality of traumatic situations and allow for freedom during the counseling process. According to the coursework, the client should be capable of challenging his or her misconceptions and recognizing their core strengths that are essential in adapting change (Wright, 2004). According to my theoretical learning from coursework and internship experience, I have learned that confidentiality is critical for successful change during the counseling process. It helps build a trustful counselor-client relationship. My preferred counseling theory is behavior and cognitive-behavioral theory (CBT) since the approach aims to ensure change by enabling the clients to develop adaptive and supportive behaviors that address the stressful situation. I agree that adaptive behaviors are essential since the client will eliminate or weaken the undesired behaviors and facilitate attaining desired outcomes (Sapp, 2004). The interventions may include role-playing, covert modeling, rehearsals, self-monitoring, and relaxation training to overcome the undesired behaviors (Westbrook, Kennerley & Kirk, 2011).

Westbrook, Kennerley & Kirk (2011) outline that behavioral theory or cognitive-behavioral theory (CBT) assumes that the environment determines an individual’s behavior. Individuals respond to situations depending on the behaviors reinforced as a child. The behavioral theory evolved from the psychological research that behaviors can be measured and objectively viewed. I agree with behaviorists assert that behaviors can be learned and unlearned, unlike the psychodynamic approach that stresses that instincts determine behavior. The counselor should understand the undesirable behaviors that&nbsp.lead to client discomfort.