Write 6 pages thesis on the topic critical appraisal. The author was very perfect in that he gave the whole project briefing. He gave us his objectives, methodologies, and his findings. However, the p

Write 6 pages thesis on the topic critical appraisal. The author was very perfect in that he gave the whole project briefing. He gave us his objectives, methodologies, and his findings. However, the part failed to give us any hypothesis that would be tested. Any scientific work should have both null and alternative hypotheses that would be statistically analyzed for their significance.

The introduction is very straight to the point and giving vital information on cancer (&nbsp.Jones, 2003). In fact, the section is giving the background of the research. The setting of the context enables us to understand more ideas that we had little information about. The functions of the MMPs are clearly explained in their functionality in metastasis. The author even classifies the different forms of MMPs to give us an insight into why he specifically chose the MT4-MMP ad, not others (Yeung, Sieracki, and Marshall, 2009). He classifies two MMPS different claiming that they are linked to the membrane through a glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI). The two compounds are MT4 and MT6-MMPs. He further continues to notify us that our compound of interest is found in the brain, colon, lung, uterus, and reproductive organs. Their location was the reason the lymphatic system trace of MT4-MMP would very easy and simple within the mice.

Every idea is supported by reference to validate the data. Previous studies have been incorporated and compared to enrich the context. For example, comparisons with other forms of works are in relation and agreement that MMPs are involved in metastasis of tumor cells (Piyush, 2013). However, there has been contradicting information from various science fields concerning MMPs, Extra Cellular Matrix degradation, and cancer cell division. Some of the studies have associated MMPs inhibition to synthetic and natural inhibitors hence inhibition of the cell invasion. However, abnormal expressions of various forms of MMPPs have been correlated with pathological conditions in arthritis, tumor cell invasion, and the general metastasis. Whenever a substance will be used to stimulate a given process, then the same substance can be used in the inhibition of the process (Yeung et al., 2012). In this case, if the presence of a substance has a positive effect, then its absence will have a negative effect too. In our case, if the MMP’s presence is being involved in metastasis, then its absence will mean that there is no metastasis. The fact is complementing with the statement that MMPs promote the growth of cancer cells by helping in cleavage of the insulin growth factor binding protein abbreviated as (IGF-BP). Moreover, the MMPs can inhibit cancer growth by liberating growth factors such as β – (TGF- β) from the TGF- β complex (Egeblad and Werb, 2002).