Write 9 pages thesis on the topic thorpe park marketing and operations management analysis.

Write 9 pages thesis on the topic thorpe park marketing and operations management analysis. There is a need to draw a conclusion based on the performance and involvement of the managers (Babin, & Attaway, 2000). The manager needs to communicate and interact freely with all departments so as to identify risks and opportunities in the workplace. The workplace and employee’s welfare should be paramount while creating procedures.

While delivering these products a pricing strategy was designed to cater to the needs of the customers. The pricing strategy involves an online platform that offers special prices on their product. The strategy is aimed at customers from different given geographical location and providing the customers with the much needed convenient services while using the products. The other pricing strategies involve promotional prices which in this case are offering a given package at discounted prices. The promotions run for a specified period of time. The time frame given by the firm would allow the attraction of more customers. An increase client base will indicate improvement in sales and upon satisfaction, the company will retain some customers (Wong, 2014 a). The company will use the ‘retained customers’ model to attract more customers. Customer recommendations are more important than the most advantageous means to promote a given product. The pricing is base on the market segmentation which the company employs. It singles out the nature of the customers, ranging from family visits to individual visits. A home package is included in the pricing. According to Moore (2014), there is a sense of mixed trends in marketing strategies. The year between 2010- 2012 saw the park registering a reduced third party online purchase hence the discount offered is aimed at increasing these figures to the desired target(see graph 1, appendix). The years also indicated an improved nature in the promotional prices. There is a tendency of the company to spend more on promotion.