Complete 7 pages APA formatted article: Social Policy Themes and Issues. An important development took place in the history of NHS was outlined in the 1989 White paper, that tuned in to the NHS and Co

Complete 7 pages APA formatted article: Social Policy Themes and Issues. An important development took place in the history of NHS was outlined in the 1989 White paper, that tuned in to the NHS and Community care act in 1990 (Pollock and Majeed, 1995). In the 1990s legislation, the NHS and Community Care Act implemented a new policy that asks the local authority social services department to focus on community care. In 1994, the House of Lords discussed the Peckham medical central that proposes a multigenerational family club to serve the inhabitants to the local catchment areas against small membership fee and agreement. The government also created a voucher system for the poor elderly people and their families that they could use to get healthcare services at the nursing homes of their choice. The objective of these initiates was to prevent the loss of public funds by the way of social security findings. (Means and Smith, 1994)

The local authorities were made the rationing agents to curb the government expenditures on healthcare. As a result of this policy change, the government decided not to directly provide the healthcare service to the people but they were directed to get it through the independent voluntary and private commercial sector. The 1990 NHS and Community care act call for the contract with the general practitioners GPs. This step was intended to increase the responsiveness of the service to the consumers and to improve the overall healthcare services available to the people. The community-based healthcare service was introduced with the intention to increase competitiveness and to foster innovation in the sector (Pollock and Majeed, 1995). Moreover, this policy also worked to end the monopolistic influence of some hospitals over the entire healthcare system. In sum, it can be said that the most important change occurred to the National Health Service – NHS during the last twenty years in the implementation of the concept of community care within the healthcare sector that result in new contracts with the GPs.

With the establishment of the government of the Conservatives in 1979 in the UK, there were some major trends induced into the housing policy of the country. The Conservatives were in favor of privatization and after 1979 the privatization program was initiated in the housing sector as well that bring competition in the sector. The Compulsory Competitive Tendering (CCT) was introduced to enable the active role of private companies in the sector. On the 3rd of October, 1980 the Housing Act was implemented by the government that allows the council tenants to exercise their right to buy. As a result, more than 400,000 people buy their homes by 1982. The scheme was further extended to tenants in the leasehold properties (Hunter and Selman, 1996). The privatization within the sector was promoted throughout the tenure of the conservative government.