DuPont – Ethical Issues in the Workplace An intro training video hosted by DuPont Sustainable Solutions to expose ethics training needs within an organization.

DuPont – Ethical Issues in the Workplace

An intro training video hosted by DuPont Sustainable Solutions to expose ethics training needs within an organization.

Below is a short list provided by DuPont of common ethical issues in the workplace. Choose at least three issues and explain what would be a “wrong” expression of that scenario and solve it with a “right” way to solve that scenario.

For example: Mercedes claimed her hair appointment as a company expense. A “wrong” way to handle the situation would be to approve the expense and not confront the employee on the unrelated business expense. A “right” way to solve the issue would be to meet with Mercedes one-on-one to hear her reasoning in qualifying it as an expense. If the expense did not pertain to her work duties, then politely explaining how hair appointments are not considered business-related expenses and she will not be reimbursed for the expense.

AntitrustBribes and KickbacksConfidential InformationConflicts of InterestExpense ReportsGifts and EntertainmentHarassmentInsider TradingMisstatement/Falsifying Company DocumentsMisuse of Company AssetsRecords and Information ManagementResponsible CommunicationRetaliation and Speaking UpSales–Revenue RecognitionSocial MediaThird Party RiskSafety