Law homework help

Law homework help. Submit your Assignment using Word or PDF file format
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College of Business and Law
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College of Business and Law
Case Study One –
Part A
You are currently working as a graduate accountant and are provided with the following information
from a client. The client, Harry, has the following income and expenses for the financial year ended
30 June 2019. Harry Operates a market stall selling paintings on the weekend and works as an
employee for an Art Gallery during the week.
• 50,000 Sales of Paintings
• 10,000 A wedding gift received from his employer
• 10,000 Bonus received from his employer for finalising a sale with a large client
• 150,000 Salary received from his employer (including PAYG Withholding of $25,000)
• 5,000 Interest on Bank Deposits
• 15,000 Lottery win from a weekly lottery
• 45,000 Sale of his personal motor vehicle (he brought the vehicle for $35,000)
• 15,000 Sale of shares (he brought the shares 13 months ago for $5,000)
• 1,000 Received Manager of the year award from the Institute of Managers
• 4,000 Rent on market stall
• 10,000 Purchase of paintings for market stall
• 2,000 New suit and shoes for work at the Gallery
• 5,000 Bookkeeping fees
• 18,000 Purchase of new photocopier
• 1,400 Cost of meals and entertainment
• 1,200 Train fares for travel to and from work
• 2,200 Rates on family home
• 900 Electricity for family home
• 2,000 Advertising packaging for market stall business
 85 Taxi Fare – from work to home one way after working back and missing his
• 10,000 Purchase new table and counter for market stall
Harry does not have a spouse or children. Harry does have private health insurance. Harry also
advises you that he had carried forward tax losses from last year of $5,000 relating to his market stall.
In addition to the above Harry advises he does store some of the paintings for the market stall at
home and also works from home.
College of Business and Law
• Determine which Income and Expenses are assessable income or allowable deductions.
Note you will need to cite legislative references, case law and tax rulings as applicable.
Emphasis is on providing substantiation for you reasoning to include as assessable income or
allowable deduction. Also refer to the relevant item number on the 2019 tax return where the
amount would be disclosed, i.e. (interest income is item 10). An Example format is provided
• Assume Harry is a resident for Australian taxation purposes, calculate his tax liability including
any tax offsets and levies.
Assessable Particulars Legislation, Case law, Rulings,
Item – 2019 Tax
Deductible Particulars Legislation, Case law, Rulings,
Item – 2019 Tax
Part B
During your meeting with Harry, he advised that he is considering working outside of Australia for an
extended period. Advise Harry on residence issues for Australian taxations purposes. In addition to
referring to the four relevant tests (including reference to relevant cases for each test) ensure you
refer to Harding v Commissioner of Taxation [2019] FCAFC 29. This part of the case study should take
the format of a formal advice to Harry (“IRAC”).
(Part A 15 marks)
(Part B 10 marks)
Word Count: 1,000 – 2000 words
College of Business and Law
Case Study 2
Diamond Co Pty Ltd is a private company which currently operates a Diamond mine on a number of
mineral leases in Western Australia. A new geologist with the company has advised management that
during his university studies he identified the area of land covered by the mineral leases as being a
valuable site to explore for Uranium. Management decides to budget $1 million to prepare a feasibility
study into exploring for Uranium. Management does note that Australia currently has a no new Uranium
mine policy which will need to be lifted before any Uranium mining could commence.
Discuss with reference to appropriate legislation, case law and/or rulings whether the feasibility expense
will be an immediate deduction for Diamond Co Pty Ltd. Focus should be on whether the Uranium
proposal is a new business or part of Diamond Co Pty Ltd’s current business. Note reference should
be made to Softwood Pulp and Paper Ltd v FCT (1976) 7 ATR 101, ensure to reference other relevant
cases as well. IRAC format should be used to answer this question.
(5 marks)
Word Count: 500 words

Law homework help