Operations Management homework help

Operations Management homework help.

Case Assignment

Prepare a 5- to 7-page paper in accordance with the Assignment Expectations below, describing the basic research design for your project, in accordance with the following outline:

  • Restate your research question(s), simply and directly.
  • Describe your basic assumptions about the project, the research site, and the participants, as well as the role that you hope to play.
  • Describe the goal(s) you hope your project will achieve.
  • Describe the general methodology you chose for your study, in terms of the various categories of research described in the module readings:
    • Relative mix of quantitative and qualitative data
    • Exploratory vs. descriptive
    • Other categories
  • Explain why this method is the best for your purposes.
  • Identify your research partner(s) and the role they will play in the project.
  • List any specific deliverables that you will provide to your research partner(s) at the end of the project.

Operations Management homework help