English homework help

English homework help. Bonus Assignment 6: Attend One More Webinar/Online
Course in April
For your career growth and for your business to prosper, you will need to gain skills and
knowledge. This bonus assignment encourages you to take advantage of the abundance of
online resources to acquire knowledge and develop essential skills by taking one more
webinar or online course in April. The requirements of online courses/webinars and learning
takeaway summary for this bonus assignment is similar to those of Learning Takeaways
and Peer Learning Feedback.
Online Courses/Webinars
You can find a course/webinar by using the list of online courses/webinars related to
entrepreneurship and business development for the Learning Takeaways and Peer
Learning Feedback. Or you can use other online sources that fit your learning needs. Here
are a few requirements of the online courses/webinars you can view:
● Topics: The main topics need to be entrepreneurship or business development
related. The topics can be general business focused or hospitality/foodservice/event
● High Quality: The online course/webinars need to be of high quality. I will let you be
the judge of quality if you want to use any sources off the list I provide. If you are not
sure, please send me the link. I will let you know whether it is worth your time and
● At Least One Hour: The online course or webinar needs to be at least one hour of
online courses/webinars. You can take an online course/webinar that is one hour or
longer. Or you can take multiple online courses/webinars to meet the one-hour
requirement. For example, you can take two 30-minute online courses of different
● Viewing in April: The online course or webinar has to be viewed in April 2020.
Learning Takeaways
After viewing your online courses/webinars, please summarize your learning into at least
five takeaways. Your summary should include:
● Brief information about the online courses/webinars: title/topic of the course/webinar,
link online, length of time, a brief introduction of the instructor/speaker…
● List FIVE takeaways you get from the courses/webinars
● Would you recommend the courses/webinars to others? On a five-point scale (1 is
lowest and 5 is the highest), what is your rating of the courses/webinars. Why?
Requirements of the Learning Takeaways:
● The learning takeaways summary needs to be 500 words or more.
● At the subject line, please input the title/topic of the courses/webinars you take.
● The total possible score for this bonus assignment is 10 points.
San Francisco Small Business Development Center (SFSBDC) conducts a wide variety of
business seminars across San Francisco County on various subjects. These seminars are led
by experienced professionals who overview their topics, provide several real-world examples
and answer questions from the audience. You can check out these seminars at
2. The U.S. Small Business Administration offers a variety of online course to help you start and
run your business. Please check their courses at https://www.sba.gov/learning-center
3. Learn Entrepreneurship with free online courses and MOOCs from University of Maryland,
College Park, University System of Maryland, University of Cape Town, Stanford University and
other top universities around the world. Read reviews to decide if a class is right for you.
Example format:
Allseated: Connecting Our Community (1 hour)

Panelists included Dave Merrell, Michael Cerbelli, Kristin Bantar, Kate Patay, Michael
Stavros, and Joann Roth Oseary who all come from an events industry background. I chose
to watch this webinar after a classmate had shared it for our first weekly learning post. I was
really intrigued to watch it because it focuses on the events area of hospitality which is my
specific area of interest. I am also conducting my HTM 515 internship with an events
company and am writing about how this part of the industry is being impacted by COVID-19,
so I felt that this would be a beneficial webinar to watch. The panelists all come from an
events background and own small event companies, so it was very insightful to hear how
they are reacting to the current situation. They also touched on problems which have
occured in the past like 9-11 and the recession and discussed how these occurrences
affected their business. Because of this, they were able to share what they did then and
how it helped their business by better preparing them for the future.
5 Takeaways:
1. Find other projects that can push your business forward and get you through the
period of time in question. As a business, you need to get creative and find
alternative areas that you can reach into that will hopefully benefit you in the future.
2. Put a stipend or side trust together. Putting away money for your business will give
you a cushion and set your business up for success in the future.
3. You should not be reactionary, you need to be strategic. In times of uncertainty like
this, the way you strategize will determine your future. Making smart moves will lead
to future capitalization.
4. Don’t try and sell in times of crisis. You must stay true to your client base and keep
consideration for who it can be. Take times like this to check in with your clients and
ask them how you can help. Trying to sell right now will draw clients away.
5. Keep Good Faith. In the long run, your reputation is what will get you through this
dark time, so you must do the right thing now to ensure your reputation is strong
when business resumes.
I would recommend this webinar to anyone in the hospitality industry, especially business
owners. This was very informative and provided strong advice for dealing with crisis
situations like this. I would give this webinar a 5/5.

English homework help