Marketing homework help

Homework #6: Competitive Analysis Homework
Background: Understanding the competition is critical to the success of any organization.  Many strategies and techniques are utilized for analyzing the competition, including SWOT Analysis, Porter’s Five Forces Analysis, and Competitor Strength Grids.
Assignment: Individual students or small groups (up to 3 students) are to perform a competitive analysis for a company or a product line of your choice.
Assume that you work for a specific company and have been asked to perform an analysis of your company’s competitive landscape for your upper management.
Any available resources may be utilized; however, all references should be provided. Be careful not to plagiarize. Analyze and synthesize information, and then write in your own words.
Based on the findings of the competitive analysis research, each individual or group will:

  • Write a competitive analysis report that summarizes the findings of the analysis and makes recommendations about the sales and marketing strategies for the company based on the findings. The report should be well-organized, clear, concise and without grammatical and spelling errors. It should contain all of the qualities of effective written communication that we have discussed throughout the semester. This report should be a minimum of four pages in length.

– or –

  • Prepare a competitive analysis presentation that summarizes the findings of the analysis and makes recommendations about the sales and marketing strategies for the company based on the findings. The presentation should be polished and professional and should incorporate all of the qualities of an effective personal presentation that we have discussed throughout the semester.  Include expanded explanations in the Notes area on each slide. This presentation should be between eight and ten minutes in length.

Submit your written report or PowerPoint presentation to the Dropbox by the due date.  If more than one student worked on the assignment, be sure to include all student names on the first page AND in the Notes or Comments area in the D2L drop box submission.  Make sure each person also puts the document in their own Dropbox.

  1. Choose a real company, not the company you made up for the Team Project. You need an actual company that exists so that you can conduct your research. Choose a company that you are interested in learning more about, or choose a company that you already know and like.
  2. If your choice is a large company with multiple product lines, you may want to narrow the focus of your competitive analysis to one product line.
  3. Select one model of your choosing to use to perform the analysis. You don’t have to apply multiple models, even though there are many methods for performing this task. Just choose one that you like and that you think does a good job of describing the competitive landscape.
  4. Decide on your output: a written report or a PowerPoint with notes under each slide.