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Home Computer Science homework help. T 509 | In class activity 4  | Chapter 5
Data Flow Diagrams
Case 1:  Using the example of an online cell phone apps store, list relevant data flows, data stores, processes, and sources/sinks.  Assume that, the customer would like to purchase an game  for his smart phone.
Question 1 Draw a CONTEXT DIAGRAM. Use Draw.io  and make sure you “ Turn on The Data Follow Diagram “ module.

Case 2 Using Process Description Tools
You will be developing Online Store’s customer fort-end user interface for an online store. The store is selling online cell phone cases for iPhone only.
Starting point: The customer would like to purchase PHONE CASES for his smart phone and entered in your webpage.
Welcome page: Show the Welcome page and ask for the customer to enter his/her smart phone model. If It is not iPhone, do not process it. And, stop the process by showing the message of “Sorry, we only sell iPhone cases. Bye” and stop/exit.
When Customer enters his/her iPhone model. Then, show the selections of iPhone cases. If customer selected one (to buy) iPhone case and then put it in the Shopping Cart. The customer may buy many cases. And, ask if the Customer wants to buy case, if YES, the repeat this step (show the selections of iPhone cases), is NO then go to the next step.  If Customer done with selection(s) and make the selection of “do not what to buy “then go the Shopping Cart payment section.
Now, your Shopping Cart has all the items the customer wanted to buy.
Shopping Cart payment section: Ask customer to enter name, credit card, shipping address and email info.  If the credit card authorization denied, provide the message of “Sorry Your credit card is not working. The case order was terminated “and then cancel the order and go back to the initial Welcome page.
If the payment was done and then shipping will be initiated. Send order to the Shipping Department. And, then show the following message.
“You order processed, you will get an email about arrival time of your package”
Last message “Thank you “  and  stop.
NOTE : Assume the customer will buy at least one phone case.
QUESTION 2 Draw a Modular Design (Flow chart Diagram )  for this case.  Use building blocks for the process: Sequence, Selection and Iteration – looping. Use Draw.io  and make sure you “ Turn on Flow chart Diagram “ module.  You will be submitting a Flow Chart Diagram saved as JPEG in your MS Word document for this Assignment.

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