>English homework help

Activities for the week: 

~Reading about reading and writing, specifically about annotation and quoting.

~Reading articles, then quoting and connecting them, putting the info about quoting into practice.

Reading about reading and writing (Part 1):

Watch: On Annotation: https://youtu.be/JZXgr7_3Kw4

Read and annotate (see video above on annotation to review what this means):

  1. They Say I Say Chapter 3 about The Art of Quoting. (Find under the resources tab)
  2. Chapter 3 “Exploring Connections Through Reading” p. 7 in the book

What good advice might you try? I want you to use the advice about using a “relationship ‘signal phrase’” to lead into quotes.

  1. Read more on signal phrases: suggested ways to introduce quotations

Putting the info about quoting into practice (Part 2).

Remember to read for:

What? (what the author is saying, what is going on etc. This is also known as summary)

How (how is the author writing and getting his/her message across also known as rhetorical or genre analysis ) and Why? (why the author is writing and what the purpose is). You can also think about Who? Who is the author writing to? Why do you think this?


1) Read and annotate: “The Anatomy of The Other” by former MMC instructor Matthew William McCarter. (Notice my short introduction of him, which included: the title, a bit about him and his name!)

Read: more on McCarter here (a short preview about him to give you some context): https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1212594.William_Matthew_McCarter

Can you see anything in his background to help you see why he cares to write and think about “the other”? What is he saying is the problem with othering?

2) Read: The “Other Side” is Not Dumb by Sean Blanda

What is his message? Why is he writing? How did he get his message across? What appeals did he use? What did you notice that relates to last week?


Discussion Forum. 

Write: A few paragraphs in which you summarize and respond to Blanda and McCarter. What can you say about their ideas? Also, can you connect them in some way? Yes, they both used the word “other” but can you go beyond that? Why is this an important enough concept for the authors to write about? Why should people in the world care about this?

Things to do:

  1. Include quotations, with signal phrases.
  2. Summarize (can do within paragraphs. In other words you do not need to have a summary paragraph, then a response paragraph, you can blend this together)

In the summary, try to explain what key idea each author is working on with a short summary of the purpose…why the author wants readers to hear or what he wants readers to do with his idea. Remember, to introduce the authors and articles, which we read about above.

  1. Respond: Include your thoughts and responses to make a point of your own. Try to have a couple of points of response. Try to start a paragraph with your idea instead of with an idea from an author


Respond to two others:

1- The Other Side

by Taniya Laury – Saturday, September 26, 2020, 3:41 PM    In my opinion, yes, both articles include their definition of “other”. But the meaning of it is deeper than it just being a verb. Reading between the lines of the context in “The Anatomy of the Other” it speaks in terms of different types of us vs. them. Such as racial, ethnic, social statuses, gender, and sexual orientation. For example, with me being an African American woman I find it easier being friends or even finding partnership within my own race and I can only assume it’s the same with other races as well.

On the other hand, “The ‘Other Side’ is not Dumb” is more of a you vs. me environment. Author Sean Blanda used an illistration for more understanding of his “other”. It shows similar castles, buildings, and boats but one side see’s their side as a lower degraded version when the other side see’s it as better and very rich. But why ? I assume the author wanted us to imagine that people could have unexpected feelings on certain things withtin their circle of people they normally hang out with, which should be perfectly fine right ? in some casses it isnt .

In conclusion both authors have a huge concern with their “other”. In terms of “Anatomy of the Other” I believe this is a global issue when it shouldn’t be. Author, William Mcarter belived this was more stereotyping than anything. “The Other Side is not Dumb” is more focused on the other peron not being aware of the damge they could cause just because theybcant agree on one thing. I agree with both authors and I enjoyed how they both came arcoss within their articles .

Other Ways to Say Otherby Kody Blades – Tuesday, September 22, 2020, 10:42 AM

As I was reading “The Other Side Is Not Dumb” written by Sean Blanda, at first I was shocked with her choice of words. She uses words we really wouldn’t here in a regular article and I believe that is what made her article really connect and stand out to me more than the other one.  Blanda explains in her article how we may look at things differently than someone else might and our first thought is we shouldn’t ignore them we should listen and see what they have to say. I agree when she states in paragraph 7 that “When someone communicates that they are not “on our side” our first reaction is to run away or dismiss them as stupid”, beacuse that is true for example, with the election coming up everyone is either pro Trump or pro Biden but I believe the voters rather there republican or democrat dont listen to what the other side has to say. As people we can have our own opinion but we should at least hear what the other person or side has to say before we start treating them any differently. Another example is people who support cops and those who don’t, someone may say they don’t support them and we are fast to defend them but they might have a reason that could make sense to the other side but we are so quick to judge people that we don’t know where they are coming from.

As I was reading “The Anatomy of the Other” by William McCarter I noticed a whole different word choice. I noticed how McCarter put more explanation in his article rather than Blanda. I believe McCarter was trying to tell us that the term “Other” has more than just a definition of difference. I do agree with McCarter when he states that “The Other is defined by difference” because everyone knows if there a difference then you believe one thing while “another” believes different. I think this concept is important to write about because we have a lot of disputes in the world right now and I believe it would be a great topic for students to research and realize there is a lot of differences in the world that we may not be able to see.

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