Human Resource Management homework help

Couples are impacted by many external factors that may negatively affect their system. Couples are impacted by common life stage transitions (e.g., children introduced to the system by birth or adoption, empty nests when children become adults, blended families), as well as uncommon life events such as infidelity, substance use, financial challenges, gambling problems. When working with couples it is important to remain aware of any external factors the couple is experiencing to help understand the impact on the dyad.

For this Discussion, search the Walden Library for an article that discusses treating couples where an external factor noted above has negatively impacted the couple to the point they are considering divorce.

By Day 4
Post an analysis of the article you found. In the analysis, identify which theory was utilized to treat this issue. Then, discuss if the treatment was effective or ineffective in helping the couple work through the issue. Finally, explain whether or not you believe there is some other intervention that would be beneficial for this situation.