Information Systems homework help

Need 10pages of work explained briefly by covering all the below given topics on “GENERAL MOTORS”

Introduction of Company and brief background (Establish date, Location, what makes this company an enterprise, etc.)

• Company Architecture (What exactly does this company do…)

o Company Functions (define each function that relates to the company)

o Function Integration (how/if the functions integrate with other functions)

o Discuss Credible Attack Surfaces for the functions

o Discuss interactions with 3rd party systems and trust levels

o Discuss Threat agents and targets

o Do presentation layers add an attack surface to the enterprise?

o How about an eCommerce presence?

o The supply chain will interact with an entire business ecosystem of many other organizations. Interactions will probably include both people and automated flows. Are these third parties to be trusted at the same level as the internal systems, such as content management or data analysis?

o Going a step further, are there threat agents whose goals include the business data of the organization? If so, does that make the business analysis function or the content management systems targets of possible interest? Why?

• Your thoughts/improvements/gaps, etc.

• Conclusion

• References