>Human Resource Management homework help

For each chapter assignment type a 4 full-pages double-spaced report that summarizes what you learned from reading that particular chapter—identifying what you believe to be the most important information in the chapter.   NOTE:  Your summarized report for each chapter can be longer than 4 full double-spaced pages; however, if it is shorter than 4 full pages, in fairness to allstudents, points will be deducted.

Your report should include information from the following three sections or parts.  Type your responses to each Part of your assignment.  For example:  Part 1:  Chapter Summary—(then begin typing your comments for this part on the same line), etc.  (Also, please type each Part number and name in BOLD print, instead of regular print.)

Part 1: Chapter SummaryBegin typing your comments on the same line. Summarize what you learned from reading this chapter.  More specifically, what are some of the key themes, concepts, and principles that you learned when reading this chapter? (This Part should be approximately 2 or 2 ½ pages in length. Summarize your thoughts about what you learned by reading the chapter.   Do not type information verbatim—directly as it is printed in the textbook—type what you learned in your own words.)

Part 2: Management ApplicationBegin typing your comments on the same line that you type “Part 2”: In this section, discuss how can managers apply information in this chapter to more effectively perform their jobs, lead with excellence, manage their employees, make decisions, motivate their teams, etc.? (Your answer to this question should be approximately ½ page in length.)

Part 3: Chapter Learning FeaturesEach chapter contains six additional informational features that are designed to enhance your learning.  Select threefeatures from the list below to submit work from.  Read the specific assignment requested for each feature that follows the list below. Those features include:

(1) Bring OB To Life —*Summary and **Application(See explanations below.)

(2) Worth Considering—Or Best Avoided? —Summary and the “Do The Analysis” section—discuss your responses to 3 or 4 of the questions listed there.

(3) Finding The Leader In You  Summary and Application

(4) Checking Ethics In OB — Summary and the section below the information in the feature—discuss your responses to 3 or 4 of the questions listed there.

(5) OB in Popular CultureSummary and complete the “Get To Know Yourself Better” Section—including the recommended assessment test.) (Note:  All assessments are located in the back of the textbook in the Ob workbook section.  The edge of the pages for the Assessments section is the color purple.)

(6) Research Insight — Summary and Application (No need to answer the “Do the Research” questions, unless you desire to do so).

Specific Assignment:  Again, select three (3) of the above features per chapter.  (The features can vary, depending on which chapter you are working onand what your preference is.) Read each feature thoroughly.

For each feature submit a report that contains at least two paragraphs from the information below.Please read the information below very carefully.

(1) *Summary: In one paragraph, discuss what you learned from reading that particular feature.  Your paragraph should contain at least 5 to 7 comprehensive sentences.

(2) **Application:   In the second paragraph, discuss how you can apply the information that you learned when reading this segment in order to more effectively manage employees, relate to team members and others, and/or create a more positive, productive, and successful organizational work environment.  Your paragraph should contain at least 5 to 7 comprehensive sentences.

(3) Other Feature Assignments:  All of the above features require a one paragraph Summary.  However, not all require a one paragraph Application discussion.  Some features require other tasks to be completed, as indicated on the list above.  Those other tasks should be written as your second paragraph.

Important Note: Please type the specific name and page number of each feature —on the line first, before you begin to type your first (summary) paragraph.

(Part 3 of your chapter assignment should containsix paragraphs—two per feature).

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