Business & Finance homework help

Tutorial – Organisational Behaviour
1. A recent study reported that lecturers are frequently required to engage in emotional labour. Identify the situations in which emotional labour is required for this job. In your opinion, is emotional labour more troublesome for university instructors or for telephone operators working at an emergency service?
2.‘Emotional intelligence is important in influencing an individual’s success.’ Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Provide evidence in support of your perspective.
3‘Happy employees create happy customers.’ Explain why this statement might be true and identify conditions in which it might not be true.
4. What factors have been shown to influence an employee’s commitment to his or her organisation?
5. Two graduates recently joined the same major newspaper as journalists. Both work long hours and have tight deadlines to complete their stories. They are under constant pressure to scout out new leads and be the first to report new controversies. One journalist is increasingly fatigued and despondent and has taken several days of sick leave. The other is getting the work done and seems to enjoy the challenge.
Explain why these two workers have reacted differently to the same work situation.
6. Outline the strategies employees might use to deal with stressful events in their workplace.
7. Four-drive theory is conceptually different from Maslow’s needs hierarchy (as well as ERG theory) in several ways. Describe these differences. At the same time, needs are based on drives, so the four drives should parallel the seven needs that Maslow identified (five in the hierarchy and two additional needs). Map Maslow’s needs onto the four drives in four-drive theory.
8. Using an example to illustrate describe the Equity Theory of Motivation and the possible outcomes of inequity in the workplace
9. Describe the role of goal setting and feedback as a motivator for employees.
10. Use an example to illustrate Vroom’s Expectancy Theory of Motivation.
11. A management consultant is hired by a manufacturing firm to determine the best site for its next production facility. The consultant has had several meetings with the company’s senior executives regarding the factors to consider when making the recommendation. Discuss the decision-making problems that might prevent the consultant from choosing the best site location.
12. A developer received financial backing for a new business financial centre along a derelict section of the waterfront, a few kilometres from the central business district area of a large European city. The idea was to build several high rise structures, attract major tenants to those sites, and have the city extend transportation systems out to the new centre. Over the next decade, the developer believed that others would build in the area, thereby attracting the regional or national offices of many financial institutions. Interest from potential tenants was much lower than initially predicted, however, and the city did not build the transportation systems as quickly as expected. Still, the builder proceeded with the original plans. Only after financial support was curtailed did the developer reconsider the project. Using your knowledge of escalation of commitment, discuss three possible reasons why the developer was motivated to continue with the project.
13. Two characteristics of creative people are that they have relevant experience and are persistent in their quest. Does this mean that people with the most experience and the highest need for achievement are the most creative? Explain your answer.
14. What are the contingencies of employee involvement and how do they affect the level of employee involvement in decision making?
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