Sociology homework help

Criteria 1
Please provide your colleagues feedback on the following *YOU MAY COPY AND PASTE THIS RUBRIC*

  Does this perfectly
(If so, put feedback below)
Does this adaquately
(If so, put feedback below)
Does not yet do this
(If so, put feedback below)
1. Identifies the social problem the pop culture item describes      
2. Correctly summarizes the theory      
3. Describes how the theory explains the social problem and its social significance      
4. Answers why this is important to social work      
5. The paper is coherent and makes sense      
6. Describe what you learned from your peer      

Criteria worth 0 points.
Feedback to Learner
Allocate points: 0
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(Please upload a paper in .doc or .docx format. Do not copy and paste into the form.)
Please provide your colleagues feedback on the following *YOU MAY COPY AND PASTE THIS RUBRIC*

  Does this perfectly
(If so, put feedback below)
Does this adaquately
(If so, put feedback below)
Does not yet do this
(If so, put feedback below)
1. Identifies the social problem the pop culture item describes      
2. Correctly summarizes the theory      
3. Describes how the theory explains the social problem and its social significance      
4. Answers why this is important to social work      
5. The paper is coherent and makes sense      
6. Describe what you learned from your peer      
Question Points 0/0 points