Article writing homework help

1-2 page written assignment base on some reading. Instruction included in the attached file.
Deadline: December 08, 2020, Before 11:00 AM

ARE 112 Fall 2020 Written Assignment on Strategic Thinking and Leadership
Due on Canvas by 11 PM on Monday December 7
– Half credit if submitted late
Grading Rubric
Format – See below
Incorporation of The Art of War and/or The Principles of War
Incorporation of The Goal and/or the IBM book and/or Onward or other examples 4
• Purpose: To articulate the linkage between strategic thinking and leadership: Leaders need to
think strategically to achieve a goal. We want to find an example of this topic in our reading
and be able to explain the linkage.
• The following pages are relevant for the written assignment and the leadership section of the class.
o Art of War – read the following pages – these are for the written assignment
▪ 40 – 43
#1: “Laying plans”
▪ 48 – 51
#3: “Attack by stratagem”
▪ 64 – 68:
#7: “Maneuvering an army”
o The pages 45-69 from The Principles of War: just think about what is being said, not the
details – you can almost skim these pages
• Format:
o One inch margins
o 12 point font, any professional font style is fine
o Double spaced
o Length maximum three pages →but you can get a good paper in just under two pages.
o Can use some, but not entirely, outline format to list some points, but the points need
to be in complete sentences.
o Single space your name and date in the upper left corner
o If you want to list any references you can do that but not needed
• Incorporation of the The Art of War and/or The Principles of War – might help to have one or two
quotes from the book.
• Incorporation of the textual material: might help to have one or two quotes or references from
The Goal and/or the IBM book and/or Onward. Think about what happened to Alex or Lou or
Howard and what they did.
• Alternatively, you can reflect on the recent events in other situations with relation to the books
and topics from class. See sample papers on Canvas.
• Comments:
o Find one point of interest to you and write about it. Just start writing and it will develop.
o Write to yourself, not to the instructor
• For example, answer one of these questions or any point that is of interest to you:
1. On page 47
Sun Tzu states that the leader of the army is the arbiter of the people’s fate. How
does this relate to our books and a topic from class?
2. On page 64 Sun Tzu states that there is nothing more difficult than tactical maneuvering. What
do you think he means by this in relation to our books?
3. On page 45 of The Principles of War, Clausewitz gives three objectives of war. Apply the third
objective to our books and a topic from class.
4. On page 61 of The Principles of War, Clausewitz talks about “a great difficulty.” How does
this apply to Lou and Alex and Howard?
5. On page 61 and the following page of The Principles of War, Clausewitz addresses points that
discuss his topic of “friction.” Comment on one of these points in relation to Lou and Alex and
6. You can also apply questions to another situation if you want: campus club, work experience,
sports team, and the like.
All pages references are from the books from the bookstore. Other editions may have different page numbers.