American history homework help

4 Page Book Essay
Instructions on attachment below
  • Book Essay2
    For Cause and Comrades: Why Men Fought in the Civil War
    by James M. McPherson
    Required Sources:
    McPherson, J. M. (1999). For Cause and Comrades: Why Men Fought in the Civil
    War. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN: 9780195124996
    Shi, David E., and Tindall, George B., America: The Essential Learning Edition.
    New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 2015.
    One Primary Source written around or during the Civil War
    Book Report Guidelines –
    At Least a 4 Full Page Essay
    The paper is required to use and cite the Assigned Book, the Textbook, and at least One Primary
    Source for any and all details, facts, and quotes included in the paper. Do not include any
    alternative sources or website sources (i.e. Wikipedia,, etc.). At least 6 direct
    quotes are required to be included from For Cause and Comrades: Why Men Fought in the Civil
    War and another 6 from the textbook America: The Essential Learning each, plus another 3
    quotes from one or two Primary Source are expected, totaling at least 15 direct quotes.
    The Textbook should be used to provide historical facts and details about the American
    Revolutionary War time, requiring that information to be cited many times throughout the
    paper. You should directly quote the Textbook for any of the author’s wording, but do not
    include too much quoting and describe some of the events in your own words. However, all
    wording taken directly from the sources should be put in quotations, even if only a few words
    are borrowed from the author. The authors’ last names should be properly cited for all
    important historical facts and details, which will require a proper citation at the end of each of
    those sentences (Shi & Tindall, 2015, p.101) or (McPherson, 1999, p. 85) or (Lincoln, 1863). This
    may seem excessive at times, but you will notice that the Textbook or any other historical
    source cites author quite often and your writing should be similarly frequent in its citations.
    Cover Page
    Identify Title of Book, Student, Class, Assignment, Date, and Instructor- name. Center it on the
    page, not underlined, below the heading and above the first paragraph. Double space and use a
    legible 12-point font and one-inch margins throughout.
    Introduction (first paragraph)
    Begin with a catchy opening statement. Go on to identify the book’s title (italicized), author,
    and history that it covers. Briefly introduce the main subtopics, events, or themes covered in
    the book. If you wish, you may also mention other titles by the author and /or pertinent details
    of the author’s background.
    Body of Paper/Following Paragraphs
    Observations and summaries of each chapter should make up each of the following paragraphs,
    which should be supported by some details and facts from about time period to put the writing
    in historical perspective. These will likely be cited from your Textbook. Begin each paragraph
    with a topic sentence that makes an observation about a particular aspect of the
    Conclusion (Last Paragraph)
    Begin this paragraph with your reaction to the history book. Avoid writing, “I think,” “I feel,” “I
    believe,” or “In my opinion,” but do try to express how the work has affected you, deepened
    your understanding, alerted or enlightened you (or even a wider audience) in some way. Go on
    to integrate the themes of various chapters. End with a thoughtful closing statement: a
    concluding remark for the whole report. This could be your most important evaluative point or
    a compelling historical observation.
    A properly formatted bibliography that includes all the proper information from the McPherson
    book, Keane textbook, and the Primary Sources you chose for your paper. Chicago style.
    Lincoln, Abraham. Gettysburg Address. Gettysburg, PA, 1863.
    McPherson, J. M. (1997). For Cause and Comrades: Why Men Fought in the Civil War. New York: Oxford
    University Press.
    Shi, David E., and George Brown. Tindall. America: The Essential Learning Edition. New York: W.W.
    Norton & Company, 2015.