Management homework help

Please type an answer in the answer sheet. provide sufficient answers for each question at least half a page.
  • Pizza on Purpose!
    Our Purpose: “The Nick’s Experience”.
    Our dedicated family provides this community an unforgettable place
    to connect with your family and friends, to have fun and to feel at home!
    Remember Nick’s Pizza and Pub (our friendly neighborhood restaurant from Exam 1)? Well, business has been booming for Nick! Now Nick is looking to hire a couple of employees.  Hiring talented workers is key in the restaurant business, and he’s looking for qualified, loyal employees.
    In this paper, you will apply the concepts of Human  Resource Management (technical, human,  conceptual) to Nick’s Pizza & Pub.
    Explore the company’s website, social media, and this video for information on the company:

    Website: (links to social media found here)
    Videos: These are just to get you started; many
    other videos available on their social media.

         Type your responses in the answer sheet (Exam 4 Essay Answer Sheet), and upload it to the appropriate D2L folder.
         Start each section with a brief description/definition of the term using information from your readings and lectures. Then, provide examples using the resources listed above. Do not copy/paste large blocks of text from the resources; instead put the information you find into your own words.
             I am looking for you to integrate what you’ve learned and apply it to this real-world
    example. Your analysis should be based on what you’ve read and understood from the course materials (readings, lectures, etc), not what you think.
    General Exam Instructions
    All exams are due  NO LATER THAN 11:59 PM CST on the due date. For each day that your
    assignment is late, I will deduct 10 POINTS from your grade. If you do not meet the 11:59 PM CST
    deadline (even by one or two minutes), I will deduct 10 points. If you do not turn the assignment in by
    11:59 PM CST the next day, I will deduct an additional 10 points, and so on. Saturdays and Sundays count towards the total days late.
             Include LastnameFirstname in the document name. Example: “WilliamsAlex Exam 4 Essay.docx”
             Make sure your name appears somewhere within the document that you submit.
         Submit the assignment to myLeoOnline. If for some reason you have difficulty uploading your assignment, e-mail it to me and explain the situation in your e-mail.
             Use the bold phrases above as section headers; do not repeat the entire question.
             A title page and executive summary are not required.
             MS Word documents, 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, double-spaced.
    Case Analysis Grading Rubric

    Component Needs Improvement Meets Standards Exceeds Standards
    Depth and
    Quality of
    Identifies few, if any,
    critical managerial issues.
    Fails to discuss, evaluate, and analyze
    each managerial issue, does not
    provide convincing or
    supported arguments, and lacks any significant degree of depth.
    Identifies many of the
    critical managerial issues. Discusses, evaluates, and analyzes each managerial issue, providing convincing and supported arguments, but could have gone into much more depth.
    Identifies all of the
    critical managerial issues. Thoroughly discusses, evaluates, and analyzes each managerial issue, providing convincing and supported arguments.
    Overall Quality of Written Communication
    Paper Formatting Turnitin Similarity Rating
    Student presented an
    incoherent analysis that contained several
    Student presented a
    well-written, coherent analysis that
    contained a few minor errors.
    Student presented a
    well-written, coherent analysis that was free
    from any grammar and/or spelling errors.

    One final note: If you follow the guidelines mentioned in this document, you will meet expectations, which will put you in the middle (B-C) section of the rubric. Therefore, if your goal is to obtain an A, be sure to exceed my expectations. 