Computer Science homework help

Both parts of this assignment need to be done.
    You are a security analyst for Ohio University in Athens Ohio.  You have been approached by the CIO and the director of infrastructure about a report released by the CDC.  They have asked you to fill in the attached DR plan based on this report released by the CDC:

    Have fun with the information and don’t fret about specifics.  You will be making-up some of the information as you go along.  This assignment is a balance of fun and hypothetical.

      Not Met Basic Proficient Distinguished
    Completed relevant information (20 points) Did not complete information needed (0) Completed most of the information with no errors (1-10) Completed all information with no errors (11-19) Went above and beyond minimal requirements (20)
    Demonstrates knowledge of DR (15 points) Did not demonstrate knowledge (0) Demonstrated basic level knowledge of DR procedures (1-7) Showed a proficient grasp of DR policies and procedures (8-14) Showed an advanced level of DR policies and procedures (15)
    Grammar and structure (15 points) Student submission is below college level writing expectations (0-5) Multiple grammar and structure issues (6-11) Little to no grammar and structure issues (12-15)  

    Course Outcomes Assessed:

    1. Identify and evaluate threats, vulnerabilities, countermeasures, and mitigation recommendations.
    2. Create a business continuity and disaster recovery plan.




    VOIP/Email Recovery


    Application Description
    Recovery Priority: Critical – Communication
    Application Name: VOIP / Email
    Application Description: VOIP phones on campus of Ohio University and Email system
    Software Modules/Current Version: Up-to-date Cisco Unity system / Exchange hosted in Office 365 Cloud
    Vendor Name: Cisco / Microsoft
    User Location & Departments: Athens, Ohio – Office of Information Technology (both hosted by infrastructure team.
    Technical Support Information
    Vendor Support phone #’s & Web Site 555-555-5555
    Vendor Account and/or Technical Contact Name & Number: 10-987234
    Server(s) name:
    Server type:
    Server OS:
    Server Location:
    IP Address:
    Cisco Unity network / Cloud based email hosting
    Vendor access method: Remote Desktop
    Modem Numbers: None
    System Notes
    Interface Engine: NA
    Interfaces – Inbound: NA
    Interfaces – Outbound: NA
    Other Comments: NA

    Maintenance and Recovery Procedures

    Maintenance Write a reasonable maintenance schedule for patches and updating
    Backup Method/Schedule Think of a reasonable backup location and methodology

     Support Personnel

    Name Site System Office Pager Home Cell
    Systems Administrator: J Smith   555-5555     555-3454
    Other Administrator: (PHNS or Customer)            
    Last Updated: 7-1-2014


    Recovery Procedures

    This section describes the recovery strategies identified for the equipment and services.  Include notation for the following:  Criticality Priority; Other System Dependencies; SLA System (Y/N); Estimated Time to Restoration.
    These recovery procedures rely on the following critical assumptions.  If any of these assumptions are not true at the time of the disaster then the user facility must remain in downtime procedure mode until all such assumptions are true.

    • VOIP / Email communications is mission 24/7 mission critical – Why
    • Specific Key Staff needs to stay on-site – Why
    • These need power and internet or local network for operations – Why

    System Architecture
    Software & Hardware:
    Cisco Unity Gateway is locally hosted on a server rack in the Computer Services building.
    Back-Up Schedules:
    Insert information concerning backup strategy:  Such as backed up by PHNS Operations & Systems staff according to the following schedule.  All tapes are stored in a secure vault off site, etc.

    System Component Server Frequency Method Comment
    Cisco Unity Gateway Hewey      
    Network Switches Lewey      
    Router Dewey      
    Local Exchange Router Chewey      
    Barracuda SPAM device Phewey      


    Server Recovery Procedures: (include server restoration priorities)


    1. Describe Recovery Procedures


    1. Describe Recovery Procedures


    1. Describe Recovery Procedures


    1. Describe Recovery Procedures


    1. Describe Recovery Procedures


    Staff Needed to Protect Servers (contact tree)


    1. Who would be needed to protect servers and those protecting servers (use fake names and numbers)?


    Physical/Cyber Security Concerns:  (If warranted)


    1. How would you protect the servers from invasion?

    List supplies needed to protect servers and support staff


    1. Supplies

    Other Considerations


    1. Anything else you want to add? Have fun with this section!