Operations Management homework help

You need to write a reflective report that has three components:
1, In part one, you will write an analysis of your key takeaways from two videos. The analysis of each video will be roughly one page in length, single spaced,, including headings and spacing for paragraph breaks.
2, In part two,  you need to review the feedbacks of A1 assignment, A4 assignment and A5 assignment, Then you need to write  a learning reflection in one page.  No citation needed in this part.
3, In part three, you need to review the Raw Data of business statisitics 1110. Then you need to write a memo in one page.
Note: all the instructions are in the A8 final assessment word doc.
    CAP Planning Sheet

    MAIN POINT What is the MAIN PIONT of this message? My main point is the information of the homework. Request for 3 day extension
    CONTEXT ANALYSIS What is the background for this MEESSAGE? Catalysts and triggers? The background of this message is that students are busy with work and school commitments
    IDENTITY Who is my PRIMARY and SECONDARY audience? My primary audience is the instructor, my secondary audience is classmate. Good
    KNOWLEDGE What background do they have on this issue? High—explain in sentence format
    High explain in sentence format
    What knowledge do they have about this issue?
    RELATIONSHIP What is my relationship with this audience? Medium Trust explain in sentence format
    ATTITUDE How will they probably feel about my action request? Positive explain in sentence format
    PURPOSE What is my MAIN PURPOSE? To persuade instructor to give an extension
    ACTION REQUEST What do I want the reader to do as result of reading this MESSAGE?  
    1.      .
    2.      Reply to the email
    3.      Give extension to the whole class
    QUESTIONS What QUESTIONS will the reader want answered in this MESSAGE before they are willing to respond to my ACTION REQUEST? 1.      What is the due date of the homework?
    2.      What reading materials are needed?
    3.      How many words need to be written?
    4.      What is the format of the homework?
    5.      Where do I submit my homework?
    6.      What is the purpose of this homework?
    7.      Which format of the citation needed?
    8.      How many points is this assignment worth?
    9.      Which chapters will be included in this assignment?
    10.   What kind of cover page do we need?  Good

    Takeaway Missing
    See feedback sheet below for grade and further comments



    Headings (Bold) Adequate?  Precise? Good
    White Space Good format
    Small modular paragraphs Good format
    Consistent alignment for headings and text. Good format


    MAIN POINT explained in sentence form. See comments/corrections
    CONTEXT ANALYSIS explained in sentence form. See comments/corrections Good
    AUDIENCE IDENTITY explained in sentence form. Good
    AUDIENCE KNOWLEDGE explained in sentence form. See comments/corrections
    AUDIENCE RELATIONSHIP explained in sentence form. See comments/corrections
    AUDIENCE ATTITUDE explained in sentence form. See comments/corrections
    PURPOSE explained in sentence form. See comments/corrections
    ACTION REQUEST identified in list form using action verbs See comments/corrections
    QUESTIONS  (Audience Anticipation)
    Lists 10 relevant questions in question format.
    CHANNEL/MEDIA SELECTION explained in sentence form. MISSING


    Memo clear and concise
    Reasons for extension relevant and written from instructor’s Point of View
    Clear action request at end of email.


    Clear, concise Takeaway that elaborated what was learned about the communication process and what was learned about yourself.  


    Precision (adequate detail) Good
    Concision (not wordy) Good
    Spelling Good
    Punctuation good
    Word Choice/Sentence Style (Fragments) See wording corrections
    Jiangyue /Mark,
    Unfortunately, it seems that you misunderstood the assignment requirements.
    The CAP Analysis form needed to be filled out in sentence format. Also, the MEMO and the TAKEAWAY sections are missing.