Article writing homework help

would not be you for the world, to have so much to do always.”
“And I,” said Jem, laughing, “would not be you for the world, to have
nothing to do.”
They then parted, for the workman just then called Jem to follow him. He
took him home to his own house, and showed him a parcel of fossils, which
he had gathered, he said, on purpose to sell, but had never had time
enough to sell them. Now, however, he set about the task; and having
picked out those which he judged to be the best, he put them in a small
basket, and gave them to Jem to sell, upon condition that he should bring
him half of what he got. Jem, pleased to be employed, was ready to agree
to what the man proposed, provided his mother had no objection. When he
went home to dinner, he told his mother his scheme, and she smiled, and
said he might do as he pleased; for she was not afraid of his being from
home. “You are not an idle boy,” said she; “so there is little danger of
your getting into any mischief.”
Accordingly Jem that evening took his stand, with his little basket, upon
the bank of the river, just at the place where people land from a ferry-
boat, and the walk turns to the wells, and numbers of people perpetually
pass to drink the waters. He chose his place well, and waited nearly all
the evening, offering his fossils with great assiduity to every
passenger; but not one person bought any.
“Hallo!” cried some sailors, who had just rowed a boat to land, “bear a
hand here, will you, my little fellow, and carry these parcels for us
into yonder house?”