Human Resource Management homework help

Create a  Problem-Based Learning. 

High Employee Turnover Problem
By: Dr. Milena Loubeau
Sue Martin has been employed with Delma Services for the past four years. Sue has been
known in her district as a tough supervisor, such renown played an essential role in her
promotion to District Manager. Delma Services has been experiencing a high employee turnover
for the past 12 months. Management has not been able to identify the source of the high
employee turnover. Subsequently, the company has been receiving several complaints from
customers because there is no consistency in customer service, which often results in poor
customer service and loss of revenue. Upon Sue’s promotion, one of her tasks is to identify ways
to address the problem.
Management is seriously concerned about the image of the company, and is
contemplating hiring a consulting firm. However, resources are scarce; therefore, Sue
recommended the creation of a taskforce. The taskforce should include individual from every
department within Delma Services (Human Resources, Sales, Marketing, and Management) to
create a plan to advise the VP of the company how to address the current problem.
Students will split into two learning teams. Students have the task to develop a strategic
plan to address the high employee turnover at Delma Services. Students will create a taskforce
with the following tasks:
1. Evaluate the current recruiting policy at Delma Services
2. Evaluate the current training standards at Delma Services
3. Evaluate the company’s compensation package
4. Evaluate management’s policy
5. The taskforce should come up with recommendations to address deficiencies within
department (s), if any are identified during their assessment
6. The plan should include a timeline to address the issues identified during their assessment
The taskforce will work on their plan in small groups. The taskforce should formulate
their strategic plan based on the information obtained during their evaluation. The taskforce will
do a presentation to Karl Lowe, the VP of Delma Services. The taskforce should not consult with
anyone outside of the taskforce. The final presentation should incorporate solutions and best
practices from a management, human resources, sales, marketing, and operations approach.
Students will be graded: See below rubrics
Content / Development
Points Earned
80 Points
Score Additional Comments:
The content is accurate
The tone is appropriate for the intended audience.
Major points are stated clearly; are supported by
specific details, examples, or analysis; and are
organized logically.
The introduction provides sufficient background on
the topic and includes a challenging thesis.
The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the
paper, reviews the major points, and does not add
any new information.
Points Earned
20 Points
Sentences/Paragraphs are complete, clear, and
Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are
Spelling is correct.
Points Earned
100 Points
Overall Comments:
Student/Group Name(s):
Course Name:
Course Number:
Date: _______________________________________
Assignment Name: ____________________________
Content 60%
• Presentation content clearly follows the written
paper upon which it is based)
• Presentation addresses assignment specifications
• Content presented is comprehensive, accurate, and
• Topic is researched adequately
Organization/Structure 15%
• Presentation is well-organized, clear, and
effectively structured
• The group presentation is integrated rather than
being a disjointed series of individual presentations
• There is an introduction to gain the audience’s
attention and explain the purpose of the
Style/Presentation/Appearance 10%
• Non-verbal cues/gestures are appropriate to
presentation and flow of ideas
• Content knowledge/confidence are evident
• Time was used well/not rushed
Use of Visual Aids 10%
• Appropriate visual aids are used
• Slides are easy to see/read
Audience Participation 5%
• The presenter(s) involved the audience and
solicited feedback
• Questions from the audience are effectively
addressed and answered correctly