Management homework help

For this part of your project, you may want to revisit your Reflection Journal for Empowering Others and think about your observations for your first reflective task. Consider your findings as you complete the grid that follows.
Shape Service Perceptions
One of the most powerful ways to distinguish your service is when customers are made to feel that you are their “personal” representative—that you understand and care about them. Do you and your employees care about your customers? How do you show them you care?
As you complete the grid below, focus on how your employees shape service perceptions by providing a personalized experience for your customers. In addition, think about how you support or empower them to provide this level of service.
Manage Service Perceptions
Build Strong Relationships:
What specific actions are your service staff currently taking to create strong relationships with customers so that they will think of members of your service team as “their” special partners?
Service and Relationship Building Behaviors:
(Check at least one activity your employees could improve.) Could improve:
Providing clear and personalized communications; strengthening the relationship through such behaviors as asking about the customer’s interests and activities.
Soliciting information and asking non-threatening, open-ended questions; customers love to share their opinions and experiences.
Listening attentively to what the customer has to say.
Responding positively and in ways that show genuine interest with eye contact, head nods.
Demonstrating social sensitivity—notice how the customer is feeling and respond appropriately.
Develop Your Team
Describe three specific actions that you can take to help your service team members develop these competencies and improve their relationships with customers.
Part Two, A: Foster Employee Empowerment
For this part of your project, you will reflect on a performance issue for an employee on your team. As you complete the grid that follows, you will create an action plan to address this performance issue and also identify an area where you can enhance your ability to empower others.
Employee Empowerment Action Plan
Performance Issue or Opportunity for Improvement
Describe a performance issue or opportunity for improving performance for one of your employees. (If you do not have one, reflect on a time you experienced a performance issue, challenge, or struggle yourself.)
Identify Your Performance Goal
Create a goal designed to show resolution of the performance issue or notable improvement.
Strategies to Empower Your Employee
Name two strategies from the course that you will use to promote the empowerment of your employee (e.g., coaching, performance dialogues, assessment center evaluation, etc.,). Be sure to mention ways you will adjust your approach as a leader.
Action Steps
Outline the steps you will take to implement your strategies. Include a timeline and note who will perform each step within your organization and state when.
State how you will determine the issue or opportunity for improvement has been addressed. Explain how you will determine and measure progress and specifically state how you will know it is done.
Part Three, A: Promote Service Recovery
For this part of your project, you will focus on service recovery as you think about a time you could have been seen as a difficult customer. Think about your service experience from this perspective and apply any lesson learned to promote service recovery for you own team.
Promote Service Recovery
Describe Your Service Recovery Example
Provide an example of when a service employee might have described you as a difficult customer. (Describe the situation in detail.)
What emotions were you experiencing?
Was the service breakdown resolved to your satisfaction?
Did service recovery improve your relationship with the provider? Why or why not?
List Two Service Recovery Tips or Strategies for Your Team
After looking at service recovery from the perspective of the customer, what two tips or strategies would you like to apply or strengthen on your team?
Part Four, A: Focus on Employee Care
For this part of your project, you will create an action plan aimed at reducing employee stress. Following the five key components Professor Brownell has outlined, you will devise a strategy to implement employee care within your organization, specifically for your team. Then you will outline a strategy to ensure employee care remains a priority.
Employee Care Action Plan
Recognize the Signs of Stress
Describe the top two signs of stress you exhibit.
How can you effectively manage these, providing an example for your team?
Describe the top five signs of stress members of your team face. (If you find it helpful, focus on one or two of your top performers as you answer this.)
State how you will begin to discuss this with your employees.
Take Ownership of Your Stress
How can you change your thoughts or speech to take more ownership of your stress? Please provide two examples.
Assess Your Current Stress Responses
Describe one way you can improve as an Active Stress Manager.
Describe how you see your team respond in terms of stress management. Be sure to mention any tendencies toward the Passive Stress Victim role that you observe.
Help Your Employees Become Stress Managers
Outline a conversation you can have with an employee you previously described.
Establish Support Systems for Your Employees
What steps will you take to create a support system for your team members?
How will you encourage or integrate their involvement?
Determine How You Will Keep Employee Care a Top Priority
After outlining how you will institute care for your employees, how will you ensure this continues to be a high priority? What steps will you take to promote and maintain employee care in the future?