Article writing homework help

ENC 1102 Research Essay Assignment
Choose one of the writing options listed for the research paper.  Along with the student’s own analysis the student should support his or her thesis with information from experts (authors, historians, etc.).
Required Elements:
1.3rd person writing viewpoint.
(Do not write, “I believe men have been encouraged by society to…” . Instead just state your point – “Men have beeen…)
2.Length: about 750 Words  (3 pages) plus the Works Cited.  Paper can be longer.
3.Double spaced/12 pt. type size
4.MLA 2016 format for paging and headings and title.
5.MLA 2016 in-text citations within the body of the paper and a Works Cited Page at the end

  1. Minimum 3 academic-quality sources to list on your Works Cited page

7.The research paper must be uploaded to D2L.

  1. The same rubric as that of our literary paper will be used.


  1. Research paper due uploaded in D2L by 11:30 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 13. No late papers accepted as this is finals week.

*Do use an article or articles from our Gender, A Reader for Writers.
* Do use stronger academic sources, like books, and journal, newspaper, and magazine articles you locate at the library or online through Google scholar and other databases.
*Do not use sources like Blogs, non-expert Internet sites; Sparknotes, Wikipedia, Bookrags, gradesaver, etc. for this assignment.
* Review the MLA research information in our D2L Shell or Use the OWL Perdue site.
* Get help at the Writing Center or make an appointment.
Pick one of the below topics or a related gender and or romance topic to write about (Your thesis should make an assertion (have an opinion on any of the topics). Many of these issues are timely and in the news.
Is the term toxic masculinity offensive or good? How is it impacting young boys and men in society?
Finding Love Online – is it dangerous to look for a mate online? What’s good about it? What’s bad?
Examine the evolving role of marriage in society – less and less people are getting married. What is the impact of that in society and on parenting?
How have the changing gender roles affected marriage?
Gay Marriage (history and perspective)
Bigamy (history and perspective)
Arranged Marriages (history and persepective)
Female Circumcision
Veils and Burkas
Work pay disparity between men and women – is it really a problem?
Family and Work issues – Are corporations and other entities making it easier for people to balance family and work life.  What can be done?
Body Image issues for men and women – is society really more accepting of different body types? How is it changing in culture, advertising, etc.  Or is it?
Transgender bathroom rights – should biological men who identify as women be allowed in female bathrooms and locker rooms?
Transgender and sports. Should biological males who identify as female be allowed to compete in women’s sports. 
Transgender children – Are children too young to be allowed to take hormones and have surgeries related to change of gender?
Women on the front lines on the battlefield  – good or bad?
Stay at Home Dads. Is society embracing this yet? What are the challenges?
Evolving Sexual Identity issues, i.e pan-sexual, etc. What are some issues with this?
Changing science of fertility; some men having babies. What’s happening on this front?
Gender categories and how that’s impacting society.
Pronoun usage issues.  Should people get in trouble if the person uses the wrong pronoun?
Sample Works Cited Page
Last name #
Baudrillard, Jean. “The Ideological Genesis of
Needs.” The Consumer Society Reader. Ed.
Juliet B. Schor and Douglas B. Holt. New
York: The New Press.  1996.5. Print.
Rusche, Harry. Shakespeare’s World at Emory
          University.  Web. 11 Feb. 2008.
Schlink, Bernhard. The Reader. New York:
Vintage International, 1995. Print.
“Victims and Perpetrators.” Holocaust Survivors Guide. Web.
11 Oct. 2007.