


Description Use the information below to answer the questions.
Instructions You have just graduated from ACME State with a degree in Diesel Technology.  Your new job takes you to Toledo, Ohio.  You are now earning $35,000 per year.  Your take home pya is 70% of that gross toal.  You are anxious to purchase a home.  You have the following monthly expenses:
Food                                        $275
Utilities                                   $145
Phone                                      $75
Medical                                   $30
Insurance                                $130 (including auto, health and life)
Clothing                                  $70
Student loan payment             $145
VISA payment                        $65
MasterCard Payment              $48
Car payment                           $211
Miscellaneous                        $100
Total                                       $_______
Multiple Attempts This test allows 3 attempts. This is attempt number 1.
Force Completion This test can be saved and resumed later.


  1. First calculate your monthly take-home pay.  Next, add up the budgeted monthly expenses shown above.  How much remains for a monthly mortgage PITI payment (PITI = principal, interest, taxes, insurance)?

1 points   

  1. Assume that taxes and insurance (T&I) amount to $70 per month.  How much remains to pay monthly mortgage principal and interest (P&I)?  (Hint:  Use your answer from the previous question)

1 points   

  1. Using the answer to the above question calculate the size of the mortgage loan you could obtain.  Assume a 30-year loan at 7 percent annual interest.
$101,858.93 mortgage

1 points   

  1. Using the answer from the above question, and assuming you have 10 percent of the purchase price, what is the most you could pay for a home?

1 points   
1.      Assuming you do not pay the mortgage off early, how much interest will you pay the lender over the life of the 30 year loan if you payment is $677.67 per month and the mortgage loan was for $107,460?


1 points   

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Description Use the following information to answer all of the questions.
Instructions Scenario:
Mortgage Loan = $150,000
Loan length = 30 years
Interest rate = 6% annually
Multiple Attempts This test allows 3 attempts. This is attempt number 1.
Force Completion This test can be saved and resumed later.

1.      What will be the monthly mortgage payment?


1 points   
1.       Assuming you do not pay the loan off early, how much total interest will you pay the lender?


1 points   
1.      If you decide to amortize the loan over 15 year, what will be your monthly payment?


1 points   
1.       Assume you select a 15-year mortgage with an interest rate of 7.5 percent.  What will your monthly payment be?  (mortgage loan is still $150,000)


1 points   
1.       Assume you select a 15-year mortgage with an interest rate of 7.5 percent.  How much total interest will you pay to the lender?  (mortgage loan is still $150,000)


1 points   


1.      If you purchased automobile liablilty coverage of 75/200/30, describe what each number means.

a. $75,000 liability coverage for property damage
$200,000 liability coverage per accident for bodily injury
$30,000 liability coverage per person for bodily injury
b. $75,000 liability coverage per person for bodily injury
$200,000 liability coverage per accident for bodily injury
$30,000 liability coverage for property damage
c. $750 liability coverage per person for bodily injury
$2,000 liability coverage per accident for bodily injury
$300 liability coverage for property damage
d. $750 liability coverage for property damage
$2,000 liability coverage per accident for bodily injury
$300 liability coverage per person for bodily injury

1 points   

1.      Assume you own a 1996 Chevrolet Impala which has a book value of $800.  The total annual premium for your auto insurance policy is $789.  The annual cost for collision coverage is $284 with a $500 deductible.  Liability coverage of 100/300/50 costs you $325 per year.  what is the annual cost per $1,000 of coverage for collision insurance?  What is the annual cost per $1,000 of coverage for liability insurance?

a. $568 is the collision cost per $1,000
$0.93 is the liability cost per $1,000
b. $284 is the collision cost per $1,000
$325 is the liability cost per $1,000
c. $3 is the collision cost per $1,000
$1 is the liability cost per $1,000
d. $946.67 is the collision cost per $1,000
$0.93 is the liability cost per $1,000

2 points   
1.      Assume you have an accident in which your 1996 Impala is totally destroyed, but you are not hurt.  ACME Insurance Co. (your insurance company) wrties you a check for the car.  What is the dollar amount of the check?

a. $1,000
b. $800
c. $500
d. $300

1 points   

1.      Assume you have a home which would cost $120,000 to replace.  You currently have the home insured for $85,000.  Last night a tornado damaged your home, causing an estimated $25,000 in damage.  How much will your insurance company pay for repairing the damage to your home?

a. $25,000
b. $85,000
c. $22,135
d. $68,000


1.       John and Kim are married, however, they did not have health insurance for any of 2015.  Their household income was $50,000.  What is the penalty they will have to pay – flat fee or percentage – what is the dollar amount?



1 points   

In March 2015 you have an emergency surgery.  You need to figure out your share of the total medical expenses.  Your annual health insurance premium costs you $450.  Your insurance policy has a $1500 annual deductible after which it pays 70% of the charges (70/30).  The total bill for surgery was $17,500.  What is your portion of the surgery costs?

a. $6,600 your total bill
b. $5100 your total bill
c. $6,300 your total bill
d. $4800 your total bill

1.5 points   
1.       This is not your year.  It is now June of the same year.  Just after recovering from the surgery you are rushed to the hospital with a massive blood clot in your leg.  The total bill this time comes to $4,000.  All costs associated with treatment of the blood clot are covered under your health insurance policy.
How much of this $4,000 bill will you need to pay?

a. $1,500 your total bill
b. $0 your total bill
c. $4,000 your total bill
d. $300 your total bill

1.5 points   
1.       Had the bloodclot problem occured in February of the next calendar year, how much of the bill would you have had to pay?


1 points   

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Inbox x

1.       Using the “Human Life Value” method, how much life insurance should you purchase if you take into account 3% annual inflation over the next 45 years until retirement, an annual income of $61,500 received at the start of each years, and a time value of money of 7%?  (Assume 100% income replacement and a marginal tax rate of 15%)

a. $1,272,027
b. $1,236,658
c. $1,588,959.94
d. $1,545,823

1 points   

1.      Using the “Desired Income” method, how much insurance would be needed if you want to provide your survisors with a real annual income of $55,000 at the beginning of each year?  (Assume a before-tax rate of return of 7%, a marginal tax rate of 22%, and annual inflation rate of 3% per year.)

a. $2,535,620
b. $2,301,255
c. $1,833,333
d. $1,007326

1 points   
1.      You are 40 years old and earn $65,000 annually.  Based on a multiple of income of 12, how much life insurance should you purchase?

a. the answer is not given
b. $650,000
c. $1,300,000
d. $780,000

1 points   
1.      Using the “Desired Income” method, if you want to provide your survivors with a nominal annual income of $55,000 at the beginning of each year, how much life insurance is needed assuming your survivors can earn 7% interest annually?  Assume a combined tax rate of 22%.

a. $268,817
b. $785,714
c. $250,000
d. $1,007,326

1 points   

1.       Using the “Human Life Value” method, how much life insurance should you purchase if you have 45 years until retirement, an annual income of $61,500 received at the start of each years, and a time value of money of 7%?  (Assume 80% income replacement, ignore taxes and inflation.)

a. $716,249
b. $895,311
c. $836,740
d. $669,392




