Human Resource Management homework help

The multidimensional perspective is a theory that considers three basic dimensions of assessing human behavior and the social environment: biological, psychological, and social. Together they are referred to as the biopsychosocial theory or multidimensional perspective. This theory includes multiple systems that are organized in a hierarchy of levels from the smallest (cellular) to the largest (social). These systems are in a constant state of interaction with each other and influence human behavior.
Assignment Directions
In this assignment, you will have the option of reviewing one of two case studies: “Case A: Mrs. Morgan” or “Case B: El Centro” (located in your text on pages 41-43). After reviewing one of these case studies, use the Unit 2 Assignment Template to incorporate the biopsychosocial perspective in relation to the 4P’s of case formulation: Predisposing, Precipitating, Perpetuating and Protective.
Please respond to the following:

  • List a risk factor and a protective factor (strength) in each of the biopsychosocial perspectives in relation to the 4P’s of case formulation.
    • A sample case study and completed template can be found on pages 63-66 of the textbook.
  • Select two risk factors within each of the three biopsychosocial perspectives. Provide a brief discussion (2-3 paragraphs) of how a human services professional can assist the client to change all six risk factors to protective factors (strengths).