health promotion and maintenance

health promotion and maintenance.

1. After educating a 19-year old client about possible adverse effects of her oral contraception, which of the client’s concerns shows a lack of understanding?


Weight gain

Ovarian cancer

2. On discharge from the hospital, the health care provider prescribes lisinopril (Prinvil, Zestril) for a 54-year old male client. Which common side effect should the nurse teach the client?




3. A patient diagnosed with trichomoniasis is being treated with metronidazole (Flagyl). When teaching the patient about this medication, which of the following will the healthcare provider include?

“Do not drink alcohol while you are taking this medication.”

“Call our office if you experience any tendon pain or tenderness.”

“You should avoid milk or dairy products during therapy.”

“Report the occurrence of pain in your upper abdomen immediately.”
4. When meeting with a pregnant client to teach about prenatal nutrition, the nurse’s FIRST step is to

Conduct a diet history to determine her normal eating routines.

Teach her how to meet the dietary needs for herself and her family.

Ask her to keep a food journal until her next appointment.

Explain the nutritional changes required during pregnancy.
5. The healthcare provider is performing an assessment on a patient who is taking propranolol (Inderal) for supraventricular tachycardia. Which assessment finding is an indication the patient is experiencing an adverse effect of this drug?


Dry mouth


Urinary retention
6. Before receiving a transfusion of whole blood, the laboratory and blood bank require a sample of the patient’s blood. Which test will be run?

Blood type and antibody screen

Blood culture and sensitivity analysis

Complete blood count (CBC) and differential

Blood type and crossmatch
7. A patient who has a history of chronic back pain requires a higher dose of an opioid medication in order to achieve adequate pain relief. The healthcare provider suspects that these findings are a result of which of the following?




8. The healthcare provider is assessing the glucose level of a patient with a diagnosis of diabetes. Which of these is most helpful in evaluating this patient’s long-term glucose management?

Fasting blood glucose level

The patient’s food diary

Urine specific gravity

Hemoglobin A1c
9. An hour after a surgical procedure, a male client who received a epidural anesthesia requests to get up to go to the bathroom. He still has an IV infusing and is being assessed every 15 minutes. What is the nurse’s best response to maintain client safety?

“Okay, first let’s see how well you can stand and bear weight. Then we’ll decide.”

“Can you sit at the edge of the bed for a few minutes, to see how you feel?”

“Let me get the nursing aide to help you, since it’s your first time getting up.”

“It would be better if you waited until the 15 minute assessments are complete.”
10. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 specifies the right to

Use a sliding scale payment plan for all health care

Have equal access to health care regardless of race or religion

Choose any physician and healthcare coverage

Receive free medical benefits as needed
11. After a patient arrives in the pre-op area before his surgical procedure, the nurse asks if he has any allergies. He says, “Everyone has asked me that already! It’s on my chart! Can’t you read it for yourself?” The nurse should respond

“We ask with each new phase of treatment, for verification and to keep you safe.”

“You can expect to hear it again and again as you go through surgery.”

“We want to give you every opportunity to recall if there are any additions or corrections.”

“I’m sorry! I’m required to ask that question for my pre-operative checklist.”
12. Before administering a dose of furosemide (Lasix) to a 2-year old with a congenital heart defect, the nurse should confirm the child’s identify by checking the hospital ID band and

Verifying the identity with a second nurse.

Verifying the child’s room number.

Asking the child to tell you his name.

Asking the parent the child’s name.
13. After the hospital Quality Improvement Team discovers a sudden increase in IV site infiltrations on a surgical unit, they implement a Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) initiative. Which step will come first?

Analyze the data.

Perform chart audits.

Monitor which IV needle gauges are used.

Implement a new IV insertion policy

health promotion and maintenance