Accounting homework help

Write a thoroughly researched paper regarding the assigned topics for each week of study for the week of class (minimum of 400 words). Use at least three (3) additional outside source to explain or expand our understanding of the subject matter beyond the information provided in the textbook. Paper should be properly formatted according to APA guidelines and include a reference page (The cover page, abstract, and reference page does not count toward word count). Be sure to use proper in-text citations for all content.
Students will need to submit a written assignment no later than Tuesday evening before class via submission to BrightSpace. On the day of class, students shall be prepared to informally discuss their papers. In the event a student is absent, the student will share his/her paper at the next class.
1. Activity – 2.4 Soft Skills: Which competencies are most desirable? p. 75
2. Activity – 2.3 Soft skills: Personal Strengths Inventory. p. 75
2.3 Soft Skills: Personal Strengths Inventory (L.O. 1) Web When hiring future workers, employers look for hard skills (those we learn such as mastery of software applications or accountancy procedures) and soft skills. Soft skills are personal characteristics, strengths, and other assets. Studies have divided soft skills into four categories: • Thinking and problem solving • Oral and written communication• Personal qualities and work ethic • Interpersonal and teamwork YOUR TASK Using the preceding categories to guide you, identify your own soft skills, paying attention to those you think a potential employer would value. Prepare lists of at least four items in each of the four categories. For example, as evidence of problem solving, you might list a specific workplace or student problem you recognized and solved. You will want to weave these words and phrases into cover letters and résumés, which are covered in Chapter 15.
2.4 Soft Skills: Which Competencies Are Most Desirable? (L.O. 1) YOUR TASK Check job listings in your field at an online job board. Visit a job board such as Monster, CollegeRecruiter, CareerBuilder, or Indeed. Follow the instructions to search job categories and locations. Study many job listings in your field. Then prepare a list of the most frequently requested soft skills in your area of interest. Next to each item on the list, indicate the degree to which you believe you have the skill or trait mentioned. Your instructor may ask you to submit your findings and/or report to the class. If you are not satisfied with the selection at any job site, choose another