>American history homework help

1.  The reason Columbus “discovered” America and the events leading up to that.

2. The settling of the Jamestown colonies – its shortcomings and why it eventually became a success

3. The different characteristics of the early American colonies.

4. The general approach of the English government to the colonies from 1607 up to the 1750s. Including the Navigation Acts and trade policy

5. The events leading up to the American Revolution – e.g., the French & Indian War, the Royal Proclamation, the Stamp Act, The Townshend Acts, the Boston Massacre, the Boston Tea Party, the Intolerable and Coercive Acts.

6. The Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation and why things were designed that way.

7. The Philadelphia Convention of 1787 and the Annapolis Convention of 1786.

8. Locke, Montesquieu, and the theory of “enumerated” powers.

9. The Great Compromise, the 3/5 Clause, and the 1808 Clause.

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