Analysis of leadership style(s) to include appropriate theoretical and conceptual support for assumptions and observations (provide supporting research and citations)

11.1 Discussion: Topic Selection Post a brief description of your topic for the Applied Leadership Assessment Project in week 12.


12.1 Final Project: Applied Leadership Assessment The final project in MLC 640 is a comprehensive assessment of individual leadership within an organization of the student’s choice. Drawing from previous weeks’ readings, videos, and discussions, students will assess an individual in a leadership role. Your assessment project should include but is not limited to the following:

· Brief overview of the organization (background and history)

· Leadership hierarchy (organizational structure)

· Introduction of the leader being assessed in this project

· Analysis of leadership style(s) to include appropriate theoretical and conceptual support for assumptions and observations (provide supporting research and citations)

· Critique of leader strengths and challenges

· Recommendations for leadership development

· Summary and conclusion

Presentation of your final project may be submitted in the following format: