Anthropology homework help

I will pay for the following essay Male sexual behavior during wife’s pregnancy. The essay is to be 7 pages with three to five sources, with in-text citations and a reference page., the biological factors attributing themselves to the way I which the partners engage in and view the sexual experience has the possibility to be greatly altered from what they would otherwise. Moreover, as fundamental changes to the physique of the female are an inherent part of the process of pregnancy, the level and extent to which desire is reflected by the male partner in the relationship can also have a profound effect on the psychological health and well-being of the female partner by virtue of self confidence and a host of other ego-related psychological functions. However, a full and complete analysis of the subject matter necessarily requires that the researcher discuss and analyze the issue from the male’s perspective as well. Due to the fact that proper intercourse necessarily emotionally involves both partners, such an approach would be remiss if it did not discuss the issue from the male’s perspective. As such, this brief analysis will consider the litany of means by which psychologists and researchers have attempted to define, categorize, and understand sexuality as a function of ongoing pregnancy and the psychological health of the individuals involved.It should be stated straight away that this analysis will likely blur the lines between biology and psychology as the two are so imperceptibly close with regards to the differing levels of meaning associated with human intimacy and sexuality both within the constructs of pregnancy as well as outside of it. Furthermore, due to the fact that the symbiotic relationship of intimacy dictates that closeness and psychological responses are not constrained to merely one partner, the range and scope of the analysis will also blur the lines of considering intimacy during pregnancy from both the male and female perspective. as performing an analysis from merely one perspective would be missing out on a much larger the much larger and nuanced interpretation of what actually exists (Kontoyannis et al