Applied Sciences homework help

DQ 1
1)L.L      Re: Topic 6 DQ 1
Hello everyone,
Meetings can bring about good outcomes and other meetings can be a waste of time. Personally, I think that meetings should be planned by someone who is goal oriented, to make sure the goals are met. The success or failure of a meeting largely depends on good planning. One study found that careful planning can prevent at least 20 minutes of wasted time for each hour of a group’s meeting (Engleberg & Wynn, 2017). Factors that go into planning an effective meeting is  taking note of the amount of time to complete a discussion item or action, identify how the group will deal with these items, making a list of each members responsibilities for reporting back information, determining the order of items that will be presented and having a chairperson. These factors are important because it gives the meeting an organized way to ensure that everything is covered effectively and members understand their roles in what needs to be post done. If one of these factors are not properly planned for, there could be information that doesn’t get shared, too much information that didn’t need to be shared and time wasted. An agenda is an important element in a meeting because it is an organizational tool -a road map that helps group members focus on a progression of tasks (Engleberg & Wynn, 2017). It helps participants prepare for a meeting by telling them what to expect and what they will need to contribute  (Engleberg & Wynn, 2017).
Engleberg, Isa & Wynn, Diana. (2017). Working in Groups. Communication Principles and Strategies. Seventh Edition. Pearson Education.
2) C.D    Re: Topic 6 DQ 1
There are many factors that go into having an effective meeting. Each one is important in their own way to be able to make a meeting run smoothly. The first and I believe most crucial factor that goes into planning a meeting is having a goal. If there is no goal for what the meeting should consist of then everyone can easily get distracted and towards the end everyone within the group will realize nothing was really accomplished. Goals not only set the foundation for the meetings but allow everyone to know what the topic of conversations should consist of to reach the goal and have an effective meeting. Another factor into has a productive meeting is Members receiving sufficient advance notice. This is important because it gives group members enough time to sufficiently prep for the meeting. If members are prepared, then they can effectively contribute to the meetings and the goals within them. failure to plan and prepare an agenda denies a chairperson and a group one of the most powerful tools in meeting management. A meeting without an agenda is like sending out a search party without a map or goal (Engleberg & Wynn, 2017).
Engleberg, Isa & Wynn, Diana. (2017). Working in Groups. Communication Principles and Strategies. Seventh Edition. Pearson Education.
L.L      Re: Topic 6 DQ 2
Meetings that are planned well can still go south if their are individuals in the group that are not giving the meeting time their undivided attention. These individuals are known as members with disruptive behavior. A few common disruptive behaviors that can change a positive meeting into a negative experience: nonparticipants, texters, loudmouths, interrupters, whisperers, and latecomers and early leavers (Engleberg & Wynn, 2017). These members can cause distraction to others in the group. Also, the disruptive ones can be the members assigned to do a specific part, but due to their lack of paying attention, miss what they were assigned, making some of the goals impossible to reach. These members should be called on their behavior, but in a constructive way. According to Engleberg & Wynn (2017), When you must confront a problematic member, be sensitive; focus on the behavior, and don’t turn it into a personal attack. Describe the behavior, suggest alternative behaviors, and indicate the consequences if the behavior continues. Don’t overreact; if you do, your intervention may be more disruptive than the problem member’s behavior. Understanding how to approach this type of situation is key to ensure that members of the group take accountability for their actions and helps those that are actually paying attention have less distractions. Honestly, I perfer to give my undivided attention in meetings. I like to follow directions, that is apart of repecting the group.
Engleberg, Isa & Wynn, Diana. (2017). Working in Groups. Communication Principles and Strategies. Seventh Edition. Pearson Education.
2) C.D      Re: Topic 6 DQ 2
Meetings are where the goal is to get something accomplished in a mature manner. There are sometimes though were group members display disruptive behaviors. This can include not participating, whispering, or texting. There are all frowned upon in meetings because it does distract the group members for the goal that is trying to be achieved. There are ways though that can prevent these behaviors from happening. The most distracting behavior, but easiest solution is texting. Texters are members who disrupt meetings by using cell phones, tablets, or laptops to text, check email, check social media, or engage in other online activity rather than fully participating in the meeting (Engleberg & Wynn, 2017). This could be resolved by simply asking everyone to turn off their cellphones while entering the meeting. This will ensure that everyone is focused on the goals of the meeting then an email they received. I have, in the past, been that person who would pull out their phone in a meeting. Sometimes we get so wrapped up into our phones that we notice it is almost addictive, and although you are not meaning to display disruptive behavior is does take the focus from the meeting.
Engleberg, Isa & Wynn, Diana. (2017). Working in Groups. Communication Principles and Strategies. Seventh Edition. Pearson Education.
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