Applied Sciences homework help

Womack, J. and Jones, D. (2003). Lean Thinking: Banish Waste and Create Wealth in Your Corporation, 2nd ed. New York: Free Press, ISBN: 0743249275.

Each student will be responsible for selecting one of the supplemental texts, THAT IS LISTED ABOVE, and preparing an 8 -12-page review paper that describes, critically analyzes, and evaluates the quality, meaning, and significance of the selected book. It should focus on what the author has tried to do, evaluate how well the author has succeeded, and present evidence to support this evaluation.

The structure of the paper should include the following:

· Summary

· Analysis and evaluation of the book

· Conclusion

· References

The paper length should be between 8-12-page, excluding title page and references.  The paper should be typed in a 12-point font, one inch margins, and double line spacing. The paper will be graded for both content and presentation. The paper will be evaluated for completeness, scientific accuracy, adherence to topic, correctness and quality of works cited, and presentation (readability, grammar, and spelling). References should follow the American Psychological Association Publication Association style. The following link from Purdue university is very useful for APA formatting and style:

The paper must be an original work. Your source of information should only be taken from the selected book. There is a zero-tolerance policy for Plagiarism. Coping materials from the Internet or other sources without citing the source is a serious offense. If more than five words in a row are found to be copied from the Internet or other sources without citation, the student will receive a grade of “F” for both the paper and the term.