Applied Sciences homework help


    1. Research Topic: Super Computer Data Mining

    The aim of this project is to produce a super-computing data mining resource for use by the UK academic community which utilizes a number of advanced machine learning and statistical algorithms for large datasets. In particular, a number of evolutionary computing-based algorithms and the ensemble machine approach will be used to exploit the large-scale parallelism possible in super-computing. This purpose is embodied in the following objectives:

    • to develop a massively parallel approach for commonly used statistical and machine learning techniques for exploratory data analysis
    • to develop a massively parallel approach to the use of evolutionary computing techniques for feature creation and selection
    • to develop a massively parallel approach to the use of evolutionary computing techniques for data modelling
    • to develop a massively parallel approach to the use of ensemble machines for data modelling consisting of many well-known machine learning algorithms;
    • to develop an appropriate super-computing infra-structure to support the use of such advanced machine learning techniques with large datasets.

    Research Needs:
    Problem definition – In the first phase problem definition is listed i.e. business aims and objectives are determined taking into consideration certain factors like the current background and future prospective.
    Data exploration – Required data is collected and explored using various statistical methods along with identification of underlying problems.
    Data preparation – The data is prepared for modeling by cleansing and formatting the raw data in the desired way. The meaning of data is not changed while preparing.
    Modeling – In this phase the data model is created by applying certain mathematical functions and modeling techniques. After the model is created it goes through validation and verification.
    Evaluation – After the model is created, it is evaluated by a team of experts to check whether it satisfies business objectives or not.
    Deployment – After evaluation, the model is deployed and further plans are made for its maintenance. A properly organized report is prepared with the summary of the work done.
    Research paper Policy

    • APA format
    • Min number of pages are 15pages
    • Must have
      • Contents with page numbers
      • Abstract
      • Introduction
      • The problem
        • Are there any sub-problems?
        • Is there any issue need to be present concerning the problem?
      • The solutions
        • Steps of the solutions
      • Compare the solution to other solution
      • Any suggestion to improve the solution
      • Conclusion
      • References
    • Missing one of the above will result -5/30  of the research paper
    • Paper does not stick to the APA will result in 0 in the research paper
    • Submission
      • you have multiple submission to check you safe assignments
      • The percentage accepted is 1%
      • Any more percentages will result to drop your grade by multiple by 2
        • For example, if your percentage from safe assignments is 21% then your grads will drop as 21-1= 20 * 2 = – 40
      • Not submitting your research paper will result in your grade is -30