Architecture and Design homework help
Healthy, building inclusive, productive, and functional cities is maybe one of the biggest issue facing cities currently, and there lacks an easy solution to these challenges. However, one main problem within cities lies in public spaces. In order to attain all-inclusive urban plans that incorporate public space, people behaviors, and transport system in these areas, it is important to consider all the possible solutions available. Development and urbanization of cities is important in contemporary society, yet, the advancements are creating problems in these cities, like density problems, absence of open green areas, over population and traffic issues. Also, the available buildings are not fully providing particular functions that are required currently because they were build and designed long time ago. Hence, mixed buildings and plaza that are regarded as unit space, must be mentioned when referring to publicity, which is a component of urban components as a broad spatial notion. To be specific, mixed use structures as facilities for multiply functions are required for a specific study involving urban plaza and publicity. Hence, the aim of this study is to determine the theory of publicity in towns as a planned space that will help vitalize these cities. The study involves analyzing the connection between architectural design, urban plaza, and suggesting mixed use buildings design strategies that will enhance interactions between the buildings and urban context.