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This is an assignment that focuses on the movie Crash analysis on multicultural psychology and importance. The assignment also provides guidelines to follow in writing the paper.,The movie Crash analysis on multicultural psychology and importance,“CRASH” FINAL PAPER:, We’ll view the movie “Crash” during the semester, and by the end will have entire semester’s worth of knowledge about multicultural psychology and why it’s important to learn, as well as how to apply those concepts to this important film. For this paper, you will explore the movie through the lens of your own culture and will include a discussion of each of the following topics in relation to the movie, each in its own distinct section (indicated by an APA-formatted heading):, 1. Bi-culturality, 2. Social power, 3. Race and ethnicity, 4. Gender and sexuality, 5. Religion,The “Crash” Final Paper is worth 10% of your final course grade and serves in place of a Final Exam.,Here are some general guidelines to my expectations for the “Crash” Final Paper:, · Firstly, your paper should begin with an APA-formatted title page: title, your name, a title for the paper, and the semester., · Secondly, you must have at least four (4) references, two of which must come from scholarly, ,peer-reviewed sources,, to back up points you make in the paper. These references will be placed at the end of the paper in a separate section titled “References,” and must be created using APA-format.,· Thirdly, please take the time to use a spell-check and grammar-check. Grammar and spelling do, count. Be careful. Proofread., · Fourthly, given the nature of the assignment, this paper should be no less than six (6) pages, double-spaced, in Times New Roman font, one inch margins.  You will also have a title page and a References page, for no less than eight (8) pages., · Lastly, type your paper in MS Word or Google Docs and Save As .doc, docx, or .rtf; then attach to the Final Paper Dropbox.  Do not paste your paper into the message field – this must be an MS Word compatible attachment.,Attachments,Click Here To Download,