Art, Music, and Creative Writing homework help

In this research paper, you will examine a current policy area of your choice (either at the federal level or in California), recommend a specific public policy (this will be your thesis statement), and then argue for the adoption of that policy.,You will examine a current policy area of your choice,In this research paper, you will examine a current policy area of your choice (either at the federal level or in California), recommend a specific public policy (this will be your thesis statement), and then ,argue, for the adoption of that policy.,What you need to include in your paper;, The paper prompt is intentionally broad, as it is designed to have you research a policy topic that (1) you find interesting and (2) is current.,The paper should include a minimum of seven sources beyond sources assigned in this class., You will need to look at more than seven sources to craft your argument. This minimum refers to the number of citations that you actually end up using in the paper., The seven sources must be scholarly and reputable., These can be scholarly articles or books, government documents, or data sources., Depending on the topic, these may be newspaper articles, documentaries, or podcasts., However, your goal is to present the most convincing evidence possible, so relying exclusively on these sources is not a good idea. You should aim to use a majority of scholarly sources., These sources cannot be dictionaries, encyclopedias, or blogs.,Some sources to use;,, , , ,, , , ,, , , ,, , , Please use these another 3 from your own to have 7 total sources, but the policy of sources on your is very important.(Excluding the title page and bibliography),Firstly, Use 12 pt. font.,Secondly, Have 1 inch margins.,Thirdly, Include page numbers.,Fourthly, Include parenthetical (in-text) citations for both quoted and paraphrased materials.,Further, Include a bibliography with the following properties:,Also, The bibliography is on its own page at the end of the document,Additionally, The word “Bibliography” or “References” or “Sources” or “Works Cited” is centered at the top.,Lastly, The sources are alphabetized by the author’s last name,Attachments,Click Here To Download,