Article writing homework help

Part 1: Identity Wheels

Review the Identity Wheels we introduced in class. The identity wheels can be found here [1] PersonalIdentityWheel.pdf预览文档 and [2] SocialIdentityWheel.pdf预览文档

Part 2: Statements of Feeling

For each identity on the outside of the Social Identity Wheel (there are 10 such as national origin, age, etc.), write a short statement of feeling that describes how you orient yourself to that identity. Avoid using multiple words to describe the same identity, try to use what comes to mind first. You needn’t identify the identity you’re addressing in the statement. For example, Cody feels conflicted about his multi-religious upbringing and identity. For his assignment, his sentence for this identity can be “I feel conflicted.” These sentences do not need to appear in a particular order. To be clear, you do not need to turn in your identity wheel, identify which feelings are associated with which identity, or list the feelings in a particular order. 


I feel conflicted.

I feel proud.

I feel…

Part 3: Application

Choose one feeling that you’re comfortable with exploring more and follow these steps:

  • Step 1: In 150 words or less, succinctly explain as best you can why you feel this way about the identity you have chosen.
  • Step 2: Write a dialogic question that explores that feeling in relationship to the identity it concerns.
    • Hint: avoid just writing “tell me about how x and y relate,” focus on writing questions like you would for Contemplations!
  • Step 3: In a few sentences, reflect on one or more of the following questions…
    • Are there people you would want to talk to about your feeling/identity? If so, who are they and why would you want to talk to them?
    • If you were preparing to have a dialogue with someone about this, would you add or change any ground rules from the rules our class has implemented?
    • How does power figure into these feelings? Are either of oppression or privilege present?