Article writing homework help


Assignment 1 requires you to complete the Positive Thinking Questionnaire and then discuss your results in the Positive Thinking Discussion forum.

Completing the Questionnaire

  1. Open and complete the  Positive Thinking Questionnaire by clicking on this link  . This is a paper and pencil test, not an electronic one. You can print it and fill it out manually, or you can simply write the question numbers and your answers down on a piece of paper while you read the document on the screen. You do NOT have to submit the Questionnaire so use any method you want.
  2. Read the section on the questionnaire that describes how to evaluate your resuts. Also read the section that describes the negative thoughts.

Post Original Discussion

  1. Discuss your results in the Positive Thinking Discussion Forum available as a link in this folder or by clicking on the Discussions folder. You will be posting two posts: the first is your “original post.” Original posts are discussion posts you submit with your assigned work for the discussion; the second is your “reply post.” Reply posts are posts you submit responding to other students’ contributions to the discussion.
  2. Your discussion should be in narrative format, not in a list, and it should be a discussion, not simple yes, no, or sometimes answers. It must be 200 words or more.
  3. Your ORIGINAL POST on the Positive Thinking Questionnaire should include the information listed below. We recommend that you create your discussion in Microsoft Word, spell check it, check the grammar, and when it’s ready, click on “Reply” to the instructor’s originating thread in the forum and paste it into your reply message window, or you can type it into the message window directly. Be careful how you type it. This is not an instant or text message. It’s a college-level writing assignment. Use proper punctuation and capitalization! Both Word and the Blackboard editor window contain spellcheck features so be sure to spellcheck your work. You will be graded on spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization in addition to the content. Submit college level work or it will cost you points! You will also be graded on the number of words (quantity) and critical thinking and analysis (quality) of your work and on the inclusion of all the required information. The required information is contained below:
    1. What was your test score and how do you feel about it?
    2. Analyze your results and list the possible reframes that you can use to turn around any negative thinking that may apply to you. Support your analysis with research from your reading of the textbook or external sources.
    3. Has completing this exercise changed your ideas about positive thinking, negative thinking, frames and reframing?
    4. Your opinion on this assignment: was the assignment helpful to you?
    5. What did you learn from this assignment and how can you use reframing to improve your attitude?

Post Reply Post

In addition to posting your original discussion, read all the other discussions in the forum and select ONE message that you relate to. You will “reply” to that student by providing him/her with feedback on their ideas. A reply is a message from you in response to another student’s original contribution to the discussion. Replies should add to the other student’s understanding of the topic, or help them by clarifying ideas related to the work in question. A good reply is about 50 words long.

IMPORTANT: Your work will NOT be available for grading until you have submitted your two posts (original and reply).

Your work on this assignment will be graded based on the following rubric:

Grading Rubric Yes No
1. Original post is 200 words (about a page) and/or comprehensive    
2. Scores on the positive thinking test described?    
3. Discussed the areas you need to work on?    
4. Did the test change your ideas and possibly your behavior?    
5. Discussed what you learned? Shows evidence of critical thinking?    
6. Ideas supported by research from book or other reputable sources?    
7. Replied to one or more students with substantive 50-word replies?    
8. Work was college-level writing, spell-checked, grammatically correct, and student used proper punctuation and capitalization?    




Assignment 2 Positive Thinking Discussion

Your assignment for Assignment 2 is to complete the Positive Thinking Questionnaire and then discuss your results in this Positive Thinking Discussion forum. See the Assignment 2 Instructions page for the steps to completing this assignment.

Original Discussion  

  1. Discuss your results in this discussion forum. You will be posting two posts: the first is your “original post.” Original posts are discussion posts you submit with your original contribution to the discussion; the second is your “reply post.” Reply posts are posts you submit responding to other students’ contributions to the discussion.
  2. Your discussion should be in narrative format, not in a list and it should be a discussion, not simple yes, no, or sometimes answers. It must be 200 words or more.
  3. Your ORIGINAL POST on the Positive Thinking Questionnaire should include the information listed below. You may want to consider creating your discussion in Microsoft Word, spell checking it, checking the grammar, and when it’s ready, copying the contents over into tthis discussion. When you are ready to post your work, submit it as a reply to your instructor’s opening thread message (attachments are not allowed in the discussions in this course). Click on “Reply” to your instructor’s message in this forum and paste your reply into the message window (use Control+V to paste) or type it directly in the discussion window that appears when you click on reply to the instructor’s thread, but be sure to use the Blackboard spellcheck feature (it’s the last item in the second line of the features and it says ABC). Be sure to edit your work carefully and check the grammar, punctuation and capitalization since you will be graded based on those elements. Be careful how you type and present your work. This is not an instant or text message. It’s a college-level writing assignment you are submitting for a grade. You will be graded on the quantity and quality of your work and on the inclusion of all the required information as well as your demonstrated level of critical thinking and analysis. The required information is contained below:
    1. What was your test score and how do you feel about it?
    2. Analyze your results and list the possible reframes that you can use to turn around any negative thinking that may apply to you. Identify the reframes by number. Be specific. This is not a general discussion. It is specific as to what you learned in the questionnaire. You may support your analysis with research from your reading of the textbook.
    3. Has completing this exercise changed your ideas about positive thinking, negative thinking, frames, and reframing?
    4. Your opinion on this assignment: was the assignment helpful to you?
    5. What did you learn from this assignment and how can you use reframing to improve your attitude?

Reply Post

In addition to posting your original discussion in response to your instructor’s original thread, read all the other discussions in the forum and select ONE message that you relate to. You will “reply” to that student by providing him/her with feedback on their ideas. A reply is a message from you in response to another student’s original contribution to the discussion. Give that student feedback on their work. A good reply is at least 50 words long.

IMPORTANT: Your work will NOT be available for grading until you have submitted your two posts (original and reply). 

Your work on this assignment will be graded using the rubric in the Discussion