Article writing homework help
Reading: “A Brief Letter to An Institution…”; “Beyond Focusing On Educational Delivery Methods,” and “Tips for Online Learning.”
This assignment is inspired by the first two readings listed above, one written by a student and the other by an instructor. Both writers make clear the current situation we’re living with creates abnormal circumstances for learning. Because this class focuses on learning with purpose and intention, I want you to consider how your own purpose and intention may have changed or how you might think differently about it now. Your life might be dramatically altered in ways that have affected your motivation and desire to learn. Or you might be more focused than ever. You might have other concerns beyond your education that take up time and energy. In light of this, please write a 1-2 page reflection that lets me know:
1) how you’re doing right how,
2) how you’ve been coping with the pandemic and the radical changes we’re experiencing,
3) what you’re worried about,
4) what matters to you right now,
5) if you’re concerned about your motivation and ability to learn online, and
6) how you think you might be able to adapt and cope with this situation (if possible.)
Your reflection should answer some or all of the questions above, but you can also reflect on anything else that you want me to know about your current situation. You can also refer to ideas in the readings if you want and expand on them or argue with them. Please write about anything that you feel comfortable sharing.