Article writing homework help

  • Begin by providing a bibliographic citation of your professional/scholarly journal article. (Use the MLA style of citation for a journal article.  Note than many of these types of articles has a bunch of authors, which means you cite them a little bit differently.  If you need help with the citation, use a guidebook or online citation guide.)
  • Mention the name of the article and the primary author in the first sentence or two of your formal summary.
  • Don’t include any of your own opinions or reactions; just give the ideas and opinions of the author. (Including your opinions would make it difficult for someone who hasn’t read the original article to tell what are the author’s opinions and what are your opinions.)
  • You can include direct quotes, but keep them to a minimum and provide an MLA style in-text parenthetical citation with just the page number of the quote. (Remember, the purpose of the summary is to make a long article shorter, so if you are quoting everything, you’re not making it any shorter.  So only quote the source when you really think it’s worthwhile.)
  • Cover all parts of the source relatively equally. (You shouldn’t spend most of your summary on the first few pages, then give the last half of the article only a couple lines).  One way to do this effectively is to establish a guideline for how you will condense the source article even before you begin to write your summary (g. two paragraphs from your source get condensed into one sentence, or one page of the article becomes one paragraph of your summary; something along those lines).
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