Article writing homework help

Requirements: 3-5 pages, double spaced, 12 pt Times New Roman font, title, MLA Heading and page numbering, 2-3 sources, Work Cited list in MLA Style

Review: Proposal is when there exists a problem or opportunity for change and through proposing a new idea, the problem or change might be accomplished. It is critical thinking within argument.  So all the components for argument are within proposal, whether it is academic or business oriented:  summary, claim, evidence 1, 2, 3, counterclaim, conclusion.

Activity: Students will construct a 3-5 page academic or business proposal on a problem they feel needs to be solved. They will need 2-3 sources that help with describing the problem or orienting their solution. Source material can come from print, video, or other visuals.


  1. Watch your MLA in text citation as well as Works Cited.  Points will be applied to these.
  2. You will still need to summarize the problem as your opener, regardless of which proposal style you choose, so don’t forget to do that.  What does your audience need to know about this issue before you propose a solution to it?
  3. Keep your solutions RATIONAL.  This is not a blank check assignment.  Meaning, you don’t have all the money in the world or time in the world to get this done.   Racism is not going to be solved by loving one another, for example.

Here are the basics for Business Proposals:

Background Info (Summary):  Description of the market you want your business or product to be a part of and WHY your business or product is needed in this market​

Thesis: Statement of product or service that will contribute positively to the market​

Section 1-Breakdown of Overhead Costs (how much will you need to get started and how will this money be spread out for your business or company)​

Section 2-Timeline for Product Creation and Distribution (how long will it take to create this product or service and get it open to the public)​

Section 3-Potential Profit for product/service and expansion for it through out market

Counterarguments:  Obstacles to producing your product or service within existing market

Conclusion: why your product/service is a good investment and low risk