Article writing homework help
Psyc 380 Gender and Violence
Research Papers
How to Write a Research Paper
Select a topic of interest to you that is related to class. Do not focus on a topic that was well developed in class (unless you take it in a new direction or expand on it).
The paper should be an academic one, integrating various sources, and not a reflection on your experiences, or just writing down your opinions.
Use 5-10 sources of information. You may use readings from class.
Paraphrase material from your sources—Papers will be submitted to TURNITIN.
Develop a focus/thesis/question.
Grading based on:
Completion of assignment: 7-10 pages in length, double spaced, 12pont font, normal margins
Writing: Intro, use paragraphs, organization, clear sentences, conclusion
Development of an appropriate thesis/focus,
Provide a clear and organized review of literature: Use current sources, Use academic sources; Use 5-10 sources
Originality: Include your perspective, ideas, insight,
Provide reference section in APA style