Article writing homework help

Missions Factbook Assignment Instructions
Choose an African nation to discuss. Ideally, this will be a nation that you have a particular interest in—perhaps you have been particularly interested in it based on our work so far this semester or a nation where you know people who are working as missionaries. It should also be a nation on which you have not previously completed an assignment.
Choose 4 missions works in your topic nation. You should have at least one each of a Christian mission group (i.e., Baptist, Greek Orthodox, Catholic, etc.), a non-Christian mission group (i.e. Muslim, Sikh, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, etc.), and a secular mission group. Keep in mind that you will have a much more difficult time finding mission works in some countries, so keep that in mind as you choose.
Provide the required information below. There is not a required minimum word count for the data sections of the assignment, but keep in mind that you should provide sufficient information to understand the mission.
You should provide at least 6 sources in your bibliography. Four of those sources should be the websites/etc. that you used for each missions group. The bibliography must also include at least two scholarly resources. You will most likely find these scholarly sources by using JSTOR, through the LUO library. These sources must be on the history of missions in your topic nation and should help you to understand the history of missions in the region.

  • Remember that the goal for this assignment is NOT to see how well you can read a mission’s website or how well you can google “missions in x country”. Do not just copy the material from someone else’s work. Choose a topic that interests you, and build your own work.
  • Remember that plagiarism rules still apply for this assignment. If you use someone else’s words or ideas, you must provide proper citations. In addition, in general, it is always better to use your own words.
  • You MUST copy and paste the assignment into the Journal platform on Blackboard in order to receive a grade for this assignment. If you only attach a document, you will be required to resubmit and late penalties will apply. Formatting issues may arise when you copy and paste, so please proofread your assignment after you add it and before you submit.

This assignment is due by Monday at 11:59 p.m. (ET) of Module/Week 6.