Biology homework help

Final Exam Essay
Animal Nutrition
Instructions:  Answer the question.  Please note that all students are required to answer the question pertaining to the ruminant.  Then the student can choose one of the remaining two animal choices.  Be sure to include the question with the answer so that I can know which question you are answering.  You cannot just give the number of the question.  If the question is not included with the answer, I WILL NOT grade the answer.  If you are in doubt as to whether specific information is needed, include it.  I will not accept “I didn’t know that you wanted that information” as an excuse for leaving out information.  Be sure to document the location of any information you obtained from additional sources on your answer sheets so that I can go to those sources and verify the information.  Do not copy any information word-for word from these sources or utilize sources that are not documented on your answer sheets.  All information MUST be in your own words for you to receive credit for the information.  If any information is copied from another source or another student, or a sources is used that is not documented on the turned in answer sheet, the information may not be accepted, and the student may not receive any credit for the information.  You must submit your answers by email attachment to the following email (  Just make sure you receive a reply indicating that I received the email.
Answers are due electronically (email attachment only) by the start of finals week. 
Question:  For each of the following animals, a feed is listed.  All students must answer this question for the ruminant (cow) and then can choose either of the other two animals to answer.  For the animal – feed ingredient combination listed, fully describe each of the following.

  1. All of the nutrients found in that feed ingredient. Include crude protein, lipids, carbohydrate types, vitamins, and minerals
  2. Amount of each nutrient (in mass or percentage) found in that feed ingredient.
  3. Location of the digestion of the feed. Be sure to include every location in the animal where the digestion of the feed would occur.
  4. Absorption of each nutrient. Be sure to describe the absorption of different minerals, vitamins, types of carbohydrates, types of amino acids, and types of lipids separately.  Also, be sure to describe at the molecular level how each nutrient is absorbed into the animal’s body and where that absorption would occur.
  5. Transportation of each nutrient from the digestive tract to the animal’s cells
  6. Utilization of each nutrient at the cellular level. In other words, what does the cell do with each nutrient.

Ruminant (cow) – late cut alfalfa hay (has not been ensiled)
Hindgut fermenter (horse) – barley (has not been ensiled)
Monogastric (pig) – fish meal